Rafiantika Megahnia Prihandini
Rafiantika Megahnia Prihandini
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Local edge antimagic coloring of comb product of graphs
IH Agustin, M Hasan, R Alfarisi, AI Kristiana, RM Prihandini
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1008 (1), 012038, 2018
The effectiveness of research-based learning with computer programming and highly interactive cloud classroom (HIC) elaboration in improving higher order thinking skills in …
ZR Ridlo, RM Prihandini, CIW Nugroho, R Alfarisi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1211 (1), 012049, 2019
Edge metric dimension on some families of tree
R Adawiyah, R Alfarisi, RM Prihandini, IH Agustin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1180 (1), 012005, 2019
Graceful chromatic number of unicyclic graphs
R Alfarisi, RM Prihandini, R Adawiyah, ER Albirri, IH Agustin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1306 (1), 012039, 2019
P2▹ H-super antimagic total labeling of comb product of graphs
IH Agustin, RM Prihandini
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 16 (2), 163-171, 2019
Resolving domination number of helm graph and it’s operation
AN Hayyu, IM Tirta, R Adawiyah, RM Prihandini
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1465 (1), 012022, 2020
The local multiset dimension of unicyclic graph
R Adawiyah, RM Prihandini, ER Albirri, IH Agustin, R Alfarisi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 243 (1), 012075, 2019
The Research Based Learning--STEM Learning Activities: The Use of r-Dynamic Coloring to Improve the Students Metaliteracy in Solving a Tessellation Decoration Problem
AI Kristiana, ZR Ridlo, RM Prihandini, R Adawiyah
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11673, 2022
On-Supermagic Labelings of-Shadow of Paths and Cycles
IH Agustin, F Susanto, RM Prihandini, R Alfarisi, IW Sudarsana
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2019, 2019
On super local antimagic total edge coloring of some wheel related graphs
IH Agustin, R Alfarisi, D Dafik, AI Kristiana, RM Prihandini, EY Kurniawati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2014 (1), 2018
Local edge antimagic coloring of graphs Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences
IH Agustin, HM Dafik, R Alfarisi, RM Prihandini
On the local multiset dimension of m-shadow graph
R Adawiyah, IH Agustin, RM Prihandini, R Alfarisi, ER Albirri
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1211 (1), 012006, 2019
The local edge metric dimension of graph
R Adawiyah, R Alfarisi, RM Prihandini, IH Agustin, M Venkatachalam
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1543 (1), 012009, 2020
The construction of-antimagic graph using smaller edge-antimagic vertex labeling
RM Prihandini, IH Agustin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1008 (1), 012039, 2018
On super H−antimagicness of an edge comb product of graphs with subgraph as a terminal of its amalgamation
Dafik, Ika Hesti agustin, A. I Nurvitaningrum, R. M Prihandini
Journal of Physic Conference series 855 (012010), 1-7, 2017
Pendampingan Pendidik dalam Pengembangan E-Comic Tematik Berbasis Augmented Reality Terintegrasi dengan ICT di KKG Gugus 01 Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember
RM Prihandini, BH Siswati
JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia) 3 (1), 1-12, 2022
On the packing chromatic number of vertex amalgamation of some related tree graph
SM Citra, AI Kristiana, R Adawiyah, RM Prihandini
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1836 (1), 012025, 2021
On r-dynamic vertex coloring of line, middle, total of lobster graph
LO Harjito, AI Kristiana, R Alfarisi, RM Prihandini
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1465 (1), 012014, 2020
On the local edge antimagic coloring of corona product of path and cycle
S Aisyah, R Alfarisi, RM Prihandini, AI Kristiana, RD Christyanti
CAUCHY: Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi 6 (1), 40-48, 2019
Kerangka Aktivitas Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset dengan Pendekatan STEM: Pemanfaatan Bahan Ecobrick dalam Mendesain Tempat Duduk Menggunakan Konsep Pola Bilangan untuk …
F Thoyibah, S Susanto, AI Kristiana, RM Prihandini
Ebook CGANT Universitas Jember, 2022
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