Jonathan V Sweedler
Jonathan V Sweedler
Director of the School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois
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Cited by
Insights into social insects from the genome of the honeybee Apis mellifera
Honeybee Genome Sequencing Consortium
Nature 443 (7114), 931, 2006
Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution
MAM Groenen, AL Archibald, H Uenishi, CK Tuggle, Y Takeuchi, ...
Nature 491 (7424), 393-398, 2012
The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution
Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium, CG Elsik, ...
Science 324 (5926), 522-528, 2009
The genome of a songbird
WC Warren, DF Clayton, H Ellegren, AP Arnold, LDW Hillier, A Künstner, ...
Nature 464 (7289), 757-762, 2010
The ctenophore genome and the evolutionary origins of neural systems
LL Moroz, KM Kocot, MR Citarella, S Dosung, TP Norekian, ...
Nature 510 (7503), 109-114, 2014
High-resolution microcoil 1H-NMR for mass-limited, nanoliter-volume samples
DL Olson, TL Peck, AG Webb, RL Magin, JV Sweedler
Science 270 (5244), 1967-1970, 1995
Profiling metabolites and peptides in single cells
SS Rubakhin, EV Romanova, P Nemes, JV Sweedler
Nature methods 8 (Suppl 4), S20-S29, 2011
From the genome to the proteome: uncovering peptides in the Apis brain
AB Hummon, TA Richmond, P Verleyen, G Baggerman, J Huybrechts, ...
Science 314 (5799), 647-649, 2006
MALDI-MS imaging of features smaller than the size of the laser beam
JC Jurchen, SS Rubakhin, JV Sweedler
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 16, 1654-1659, 2005
High-resolution NMR spectroscopy of sample volumes from 1 nL to 10 μL
ME Lacey, R Subramanian, DL Olson, AG Webb, JV Sweedler
Chemical reviews 99 (10), 3133-3152, 1999
Genome-wide analyses reveal a role for peptide hormones in planarian germline development
JJ Collins III, X Hou, EV Romanova, BG Lambrus, CM Miller, A Saberi, ...
PLoS biology 8 (10), e1000509, 2010
Single-cell MALDI: a new tool for direct peptide profiling
L Li, RW Garden, JV Sweedler
Trends in biotechnology 18 (4), 151-160, 2000
Gateable nanofluidic interconnects for multilayered microfluidic separation systems
TC Kuo, DM Cannon, Y Chen, JJ Tulock, MA Shannon, JV Sweedler, ...
Analytical Chemistry 75 (8), 1861-1867, 2003
Microfluidic devices for culturing primary mammalian neurons at low densities
LJ Millet, ME Stewart, JV Sweedler, RG Nuzzo, MU Gillette
Lab on a Chip 7 (8), 987-994, 2007
NeuroPred: a tool to predict cleavage sites in neuropeptide precursors and provide the masses of the resulting peptides
BR Southey, A Amare, TA Zimmerman, SL Rodriguez-Zas, JV Sweedler
Nucleic acids research 34 (suppl_2), W267-W272, 2006
1H-NMR spectroscopy on the nanoliter scale for static and online measurements
N Wu, TL Peck, AG Webb, RL Magin, JV Sweedler
Analytical Chemistry 66 (22), 3849-3857, 1994
Imaging mass spectrometry: fundamentals and applications to drug discovery
SS Rubakhin, JC Jurchen, EB Monroe, JV Sweedler
Drug discovery today 10 (12), 823-837, 2005
Mass spectrometry imaging and profiling of single cells
EJ Lanni, SS Rubakhin, JV Sweedler
Journal of proteomics 75 (16), 5036-5051, 2012
Heterogeneity within MALDI samples as revealed by mass spectrometric imaging
RW Garden, JV Sweedler
Analytical chemistry 72 (1), 30-36, 2000
Capillary electrophoresis with electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection for single-cell metabolomics
T Lapainis, SS Rubakhin, JV Sweedler
Analytical chemistry 81 (14), 5858-5864, 2009
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Articles 1–20