Cristina Romero-Diaz
Cristina Romero-Diaz
Postdoctoral researcher, ICBiBE, University of Valencia
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Citované v
Dissecting Carotenoid from Structural Components of Carotenoid‐Based Coloration: A Field Experiment with Great Tits (Parus major)
A Jacot, C Romero‐Diaz, B Tschirren, H Richner, PS Fitze
The American Naturalist 176 (1), 55-62, 2010
Climate Effects on Growth, Body Condition, and Survival Depend on the Genetic Characteristics of the Population
C Romero-Diaz, MC Breedveld, PS Fitze
The American Naturalist 190 (5), 649-662, 2017
Losing the trait without losing the signal: Evolutionary shifts in communicative colour signalling
C Romero‐Diaz, JA Rivera, AG Ossip‐Drahos, JJ Zúñiga‐Vega, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2019
Structural identification, synthesis and biological activity of two volatile cyclic dipeptides in a terrestrial vertebrate
C Romero-Diaz, SM Campos, MA Herrmann, KN Lewis, DR Williams, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4303, 2020
Composition and compound proportions affect the response to complex chemical signals in a spiny lizard
C Romero-Diaz, SM Campos, MA Herrmann, HA Soini, MV Novotny, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75 (42), 1-11, 2021
Corticosterone mediated mate choice affects female mating reluctance and reproductive success
C Romero-Diaz, V Gonzalez-Jimena, PS Fitze
Hormones and behavior 113, 1-12, 2019
Information out of the blue: phenotypic correlates of abdominal color patches in Sceloporus lizards
JJ Zúñiga-Vega, JA Pruett, AG Ossip-Drahos, SM Campos, RJ Seddon, ...
Zoology 149, 125961, 2021
Independent sources of condition dependency and multiple pathways determine a composite trait: lessons from carotenoid‐based plumage colouration
C Romero‐Diaz, H Richner, F Granado‐Lorencio, B Tschirren, PS Fitze
Journal of evolutionary biology 26 (3), 635-646, 2013
Evolutionary loss of a signalling colour is linked to increased response to conspecific chemicals
C Romero-Diaz, JA Pruett, SM Campos, AG Ossip-Drahos, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1947), 20210256, 2021
Communal egg-laying in oviparous Zootoca vivipara louislantzi of the Central Pyrenees
M Peñalver-Alcázar, C Romero-Diaz, PS Fitze
Herpetology Notes 8, 4-7, 2015
Mate availability affects the trade-off between producing one or multiple annual clutches
MC Breedveld, LM San-Jose, C Romero-Diaz, ERS Roldan, PS Fitze
Animal Behaviour 123, 43-51, 2017
Evaluating different metrics to study small color differences: the red bill and plumage of common waxbills as a case study
C Romero-Diaz, PA Silva, GC Cardoso, S Trigo
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76 (9), 126, 2022
Oestradiol reduces female bill colour in a mutually ornamented bird
C Romero-Diaz, PA Silva, MC Soares, GC Cardoso, S Trigo
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1984), 20221677, 2022
The Effects of Chemical Signal Content in Social Communication of Lizards
MA Herrmann, C Romero-Diaz, SM Campos, GA Miter, DR Williams, ...
Population differences in multimodal lizard communication are not well explained by habitat or history
C Romero‐Diaz, BR Wetherell, D Ury, M Reuter, JA Pruett, EP Martins, ...
Ethology 129 (12), 655-665, 2023
Eye-Bulging Behavior in Lizards of the Genus Sceloporus: A Role in Chemical Communication?
MA Herrmann, SM Campos, EP Martins, C Romero-Diaz
Copeia 108 (2), 309-315, 2020
Vomeronasal organ volume increases with body size and is dissociated with loss of a visual signal in Sceloporus lizards
AP Erudaitius, JA Pruett, SM Campos, AG Ossip-Drahos, SJ Lannoo, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, voad002, 2023
Is evolutionary loss of a color signal linked to changes in vomeronasal organ morphology?
AP Erudaitius, JA Pruett, SM Campos, AG Ossip- Drahos, SJ Lannoo, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (supplement 1), S88-89, 2022
Brain transcriptomic responses of Yarrow's spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii, to conspecific visual or chemical signals
C Romero‐Diaz, C Xu, SM Campos, MA Herrmann, K Kusumi, DK Hews, ...
Genes, Brain and Behavior 20 (7), e12753, 2021
Review of Behavior of Lizards — Evolutionary and Mechanistic Perspectives
C Romero-Diaz
Herpetological Review 50 (3), 613–614, 2019
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