Jeffery Clark
Jeffery Clark
Principal Investigator
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Citované v
Transformation of social networks in the late pre-Hispanic US Southwest
BJ Mills, JJ Clark, MA Peeples, WR Haas Jr, JM Roberts Jr, JB Hill, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (15), 5785-5790, 2013
Prehistoric demography in the Southwest: Migration, coalescence, and Hohokam population decline
JB Hill, JJ Clark, WH Doelle, PD Lyons
American Antiquity 69 (4), 689-716, 2004
Tracking prehistoric migrations: Pueblo settlers among the Tonto Basin Hohokam
JJ Clark
University of Arizona Press, 2001
Are social networks survival networks? An example from the late pre-Hispanic US Southwest
L Borck, BJ Mills, MA Peeples, JJ Clark
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22, 33-57, 2015
Multiscalar perspectives on social networks in the late prehispanic Southwest
BJ Mills, MA Peeples, WR Haas Jr, L Borck, JJ Clark, JM Roberts Jr
American Antiquity 80 (1), 3-24, 2015
Social boundaries and technical choices in Tonto Basin prehistory
MT Stark, MD Elson, JJ Clark
The archaeology of social boundaries, 208-231, 1998
Rethinking anthropological perspectives on migration
GS Cabana, JJ Clark
University Press of Florida, 2020
The dynamics of social networks in the Late Prehispanic US Southwest
BJ Mills, JM Roberts Jr, JJ Clark, WR Haas Jr, D Huntley, MA Peeples, ...
Network analysis in archaeology: New approaches to regional interaction, 181-202, 2013
Humanitarian action in the former Yugoslavia: The UN'S role 1991-1993
L Minear, J Clark, R Cohen, D Gallagher, I Guest, TG Weiss
Humanitarian action in the former Yugoslavia: The UN'S role 1991-1993, 166-166, 1994
Archaeological investigations of early village sites in the Middle Santa Cruz Valley
JB Mabry, DL Swartz, H Wocherl, JJ Clark, GH Archer, MW Lindeman
Anthropological papers 18, 1998
Evaluating Chaco migration scenarios using dynamic social network analysis
BJ Mills, MA Peeples, LD Aragon, BA Bellorado, JJ Clark, E Giomi, ...
Antiquity 92 (364), 922-939, 2018
Causes and consequences of migration in the 13th century Tonto Basin
MT Stark, JJ Clark, MD Elson
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 14 (2), 212-246, 1995
A method for chronological apportioning of ceramic assemblages
JM Roberts Jr, BJ Mills, JJ Clark, WR Haas Jr, DL Huntley, MA Trowbridge
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (5), 1513-1520, 2012
Analytical challenges for the application of social network analysis in archaeology
MA Peeples, BJ Mills, WR Haas Jr, JJ Clark, JM Roberts Jr
The Connected Past, 2016
Introduction. Migration in anthropology: Where we stand
GS Cabana, JJ Clark
Rethinking anthropological perspectives on migration, 3-15, 2011
Early stages in the evolution of Mesopotamian civilization: Soviet excavations in northern Iraq
N Yoffee, JJ Clark
University of Arizona Press, 1993
Patterns in the pathways: Early historic migrations in the Rio Grande pueblos
S Herr, JJ Clark
Kiva 62 (4), 365-389, 1997
17. The Kayenta Diaspora and Salado Meta-identity in the Late Precontact US Southwest
JJ Clark, DL Huntley, JB Hill, PD Lyons
The archaeology of hybrid material culture, 399, 2013
Resolving the migrant paradox: Two pathways to coalescence in the late precontact US Southwest
JJ Clark, JA Birch, M Hegmon, BJ Mills, DM Glowacki, SG Ortman, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53, 262-287, 2019
A community of practice in diaspora: The rise and demise of Roosevelt Red Ware
PD Lyons, JJ Clark
Potters and communities of practice: glaze paint and polychrome pottery in …, 2012
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