Mohammad Bagher Menhaj
Mohammad Bagher Menhaj
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
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Training feedforward networks with the Marquardt algorithm
MT Hagan, MB Menhaj
IEEE transactions on Neural Networks 5 (6), 989-993, 1994
Fractional-order Hopfield neural networks
A Boroomand, MB Menhaj
Advances in Neuro-Information Processing: 15th International Conference …, 2009
Modeling and estimation of the natural gas consumption for residential and commercial sectors in Iran
M Forouzanfar, A Doustmohammadi, MB Menhaj, S Hasanzadeh
Applied Energy 87 (1), 268-274, 2010
Fundamentals of neural networks
MB Menhaj
Computational intelligence 1 (1), 1998
A neural network controller for load following operation of nuclear reactors
MN Khajavi, MB Menhaj, AA Suratgar
Annals of Nuclear Energy 29 (6), 751-760, 2002
Robust nonlinear model predictive control for a PWR nuclear power plant
H Eliasi, MB Menhaj, H Davilu
Progress in Nuclear Energy 54 (1), 177-185, 2012
A new fuzzy logic filter for image enhancement
F Farbiz, MB Menhaj, SA Motamedi, MT Hagan
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 30 …, 2000
Artificial neural network–based system identification for a single-shaft gas turbine
H Asgari, XQ Chen, MB Menhaj, R Sainudiin
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 135 (9), 092601, 2013
Robust nonlinear model predictive control for nuclear power plants in load following operations with bounded xenon oscillations
H Eliasi, MB Menhaj, H Davilu
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (2), 533-543, 2011
Wearable sensor‐based human activity recognition in the smart healthcare system
F Serpush, MB Menhaj, B Masoumi, B Karasfi
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2022 (1), 1391906, 2022
Dynamic average consensus via nonlinear protocols
S Nosrati, M Shafiee, MB Menhaj
Automatica 48 (9), 2262-2270, 2012
The usage of 10-fold cross-validation and grid search to enhance ML methods performance in solar farm power generation prediction
SM Malakouti, MB Menhaj, AA Suratgar
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15, 100664, 2023
Decentralized robust adaptive-output feedback controller for power system load frequency control
MH Kazemi, M Karrari, MB Menhaj
Electrical Engineering 84, 75-83, 2002
A hybrid method for grade estimation using genetic algorithm and neural networks
H Mahmoudabadi, M Izadi, MB Menhaj
Computational Geosciences 13, 91-101, 2009
A novel clustering approach for short-term solar radiation forecasting
M Ghayekhloo, M Ghofrani, MB Menhaj, R Azimi
Solar Energy 122, 1371-1383, 2015
A hybrid short-term load forecasting with a new data preprocessing framework
M Ghayekhloo, MB Menhaj, M Ghofrani
Electric Power Systems Research 119, 138-148, 2015
ARO: A new model-free optimization algorithm inspired from asexual reproduction
A Farasat, MB Menhaj, T Mansouri, MRS Moghadam
Applied Soft Computing 10 (4), 1284-1292, 2010
Communication free leader–follower formation control of unmanned aircraft systems
MA Dehghani, MB Menhaj
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 80, 69-75, 2016
A fuzzy logic control based approach for image filtering
F Farbiz, MB Menhaj
Fuzzy techniques in image processing, 194-221, 2000
Control of leader–follower formation and path planning of mobile robots using Asexual Reproduction Optimization (ARO)
AN Asl, MB Menhaj, A Sajedin
Applied soft computing 14, 563-576, 2014
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Articles 1–20