Roky Baidya
Roky Baidya
Research Support, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
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Cited by
Multistep model predictive control for cascaded H-bridge inverters: Formulation and analysis
R Baidya, RP Aguilera, P Acuna, S Vazquez, H du Toit Mouton
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (1), 876-886, 2017
On the impact of transients on multistep model predictive control for medium-voltage drives
P Acuna, CA Rojas, R Baidya, RP Aguilera, JE Fletcher
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (9), 8342-8355, 2019
Model predictive control of cascaded H-bridge inverters based on a fast-optimization algorithm
RP Aguilera, R Baidya, P Acuna, S Vazquez, T Mouton, VG Agelidis
IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2015
Enabling multistep model predictive control for transient operation of power converters
R Baidya, RP Aguilera, P Acuña, T Geyer, RA Delgado, DE Quevedo, ...
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society 1, 284-297, 2020
Fast multistep finite control set model predictive control for transient operation of power converters
R Baidya, RP Aguilera, P Acuna, R Delgado, T Geyer, D Quevedo, ...
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Dealing with suboptimality in multistep model predictive control for transient operations
R Baidya, RP Aguilera, P Karamanakos, P Acuna, C Rojas, T Geyer, ...
2019 IEEE energy conversion congress and exposition (ECCE), 3780-3785, 2019
Multistep model predictive control for power electronics and electrical drives
R Baidya
UNSW Sydney, 2018
2020 Index IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society Vol.
M Abarzadeh, R Abdollahi, H Abu-Rub, P Acuna, RP Aguilera, A Aijaz, ...
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Articles 1–8