Onur Aciicmez
Onur Aciicmez
Samsung Research America
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Cited by
Detecting unauthorized use of computing devices based on behavioral patterns
L Xie, X Zhang, JP Seifert, O Aciicmez, A Latifi
US Patent 8,595,834, 2013
Predicting secret keys via branch prediction
O Acıiçmez, ÇK Koç, JP Seifert
Topics in Cryptology–CT-RSA 2007: The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA …, 2006
Yet another microarchitectural attack: exploiting I-cache
O Aciiçmez
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Computer security architecture, 11-18, 2007
On the power of simple branch prediction analysis
O Aciiçmez, ÇK Koç, JP Seifert
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM symposium on Information, computer and …, 2007
New results on instruction cache attacks
O Acıiçmez, BB Brumley, P Grabher
International workshop on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, 110-124, 2010
Cache based remote timing attack on the AES
O Acıiçmez, W Schindler, ÇK Koç
Topics in Cryptology–CT-RSA 2007: The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA …, 2006
Trace-driven cache attacks on AES (short paper)
O Acıiçmez, ÇK Koç
Information and Communications Security: 8th International Conference, ICICS …, 2006
A vulnerability in RSA implementations due to instruction cache analysis and its demonstration on OpenSSL
O Acıiçmez, W Schindler
Topics in Cryptology–CT-RSA 2008: The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA …, 2008
New branch prediction vulnerabilities in OpenSSL and necessary software countermeasures
O Acıiçmez, S Gueron, JP Seifert
Cryptography and Coding: 11th IMA International Conference, Cirencester, UK …, 2007
Hardware-software integrated approaches to defend against software cache-based side channel attacks
J Kong, O Aciiçmez, JP Seifert, H Zhou
2009 IEEE 15th international symposium on high performance computer …, 2009
Cheap hardware parallelism implies cheap security
O Aciicmez, JP Seifert
Workshop on fault diagnosis and tolerance in cryptography (FDTC 2007), 80-91, 2007
Deconstructing new cache designs for thwarting software cache-based side channel attacks
J Kong, O Aciicmez, JP Seifert, H Zhou
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Computer security architectures, 25-34, 2008
Securing stored content for trusted hosts and safe computing environments
X Zhang, O Aciicmez, JP Seifert, MA Qingwei
US Patent 8,782,801, 2014
Execution allocation cost assessment for computing systems and environments including elastic computing systems and environments
X Zhang, O Aciicmez, SJ Gibbs, A Kunjithapatham, S Jeong, D Cheng
US Patent 8,239,538, 2012
Improving Brumley and Boneh timing attack on unprotected SSL implementations
O Aciiçmez, W Schindler, CK Koç
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2005
A trusted mobile phone reference architecturevia secure kernel
X Zhang, O Acıiçmez, JP Seifert
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Scalable trusted computing, 7-14, 2007
An analytical model for time-driven cache attacks
K Tiri, O Acıiçmez, M Neve, F Andersen
International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption, 399-413, 2007
Web application script migration
M Sheshagiri, SS Kalasapur, O Aciicmez, Y Song, D Cheng
US Patent 8,595,284, 2013
Safe and efficient access control mechanisms for computing environments
X Zhang, JP Seifert, O Aciicmez, A Latifi
US Patent 8,510,805, 2013
Authentication, identity, and service management for computing and communication systems
X Zhang, JP Seifert, O Aciicmez
US Patent 8,201,232, 2012
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Articles 1–20