Judice Koh
Judice Koh
Dept of Biomedical Informatics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
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The genetic landscape of a cell
M Costanzo, A Baryshnikova, J Bellay, Y Kim, ED Spear, CS Sevier, ...
science 327 (5964), 425-431, 2010
Quantitative analysis of fitness and genetic interactions in yeast on a genome scale
A Baryshnikova, M Costanzo, Y Kim, H Ding, J Koh, K Toufighi, JY Youn, ...
Nature methods 7 (12), 1017-1024, 2010
Essential gene profiles in breast, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer cells
R Marcotte, KR Brown, F Suarez, A Sayad, K Karamboulas, ...
Cancer discovery 2 (2), 172-189, 2012
Yeast proteome dynamics from single cell imaging and automated analysis
YT Chong, JLY Koh, H Friesen, SK Duffy, MJ Cox, A Moses, J Moffat, ...
Cell 161 (6), 1413-1424, 2015
A molecular barcoded yeast ORF library enables mode-of-action analysis of bioactive compounds
CH Ho, L Magtanong, SL Barker, D Gresham, S Nishimura, P Natarajan, ...
Nature biotechnology 27 (4), 369-377, 2009
ANTIMIC: a database of antimicrobial sequences
M Brahmachary, SPT Krishnan, JLY Koh, AM Khan, SH Seah, TW Tan, ...
Nucleic acids research 32 (suppl_1), D586-D589, 2004
Significant conservation of synthetic lethal genetic interaction networks between distantly related eukaryotes
SJ Dixon, Y Fedyshyn, JLY Koh, TSK Prasad, C Chahwan, G Chua, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (43), 16653-16658, 2008
Methods for prediction of peptide binding to MHC molecules: a comparative study
K Yu, N Petrovsky, C Schönbach, JLY Koh, V Brusic
Molecular medicine 8, 137-148, 2002
Dragon Promoter Finder: recognition of vertebrate RNA polymerase II promoters
VB Bajic, SH Seah, A Chong, G Zhang, JLY Koh, V Brusic
Bioinformatics 18 (1), 198-199, 2002
Dynamic expression of tRNA‐derived small RNAs define cellular states
S Krishna, DGR Yim, V Lakshmanan, V Tirumalai, JLY Koh, JE Park, ...
EMBO reports 20 (7), e47789, 2019
DRYGIN: a database of quantitative genetic interaction networks in yeast
JLY Koh, H Ding, M Costanzo, A Baryshnikova, K Toufighi, GD Bader, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_1), D502-D507, 2010
SCORPION, a molecular database of scorpion toxins
KN Srinivasan, P Gopalakrishnakone, PT Tan, KC Chew, B Cheng, ...
Toxicon 40 (1), 23-31, 2002
CYCLoPs: a comprehensive database constructed from automated analysis of protein abundance and subcellular localization patterns in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
JLY Koh, YT Chong, H Friesen, A Moses, C Boone, BJ Andrews, J Moffat
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5 (6), 1223-1232, 2015
The budding yeast nuclear envelope adjacent to the nucleolus serves as a membrane sink during mitotic delay
KL Witkin, Y Chong, S Shao, MT Webster, S Lahiri, AD Walters, B Lee, ...
Current Biology 22 (12), 1128-1133, 2012
Phenotype-driven precision oncology as a guide for clinical decisions one patient at a time
S Chia, JL Low, X Zhang, XL Kwang, FT Chong, A Sharma, D Bertrand, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 435, 2017
Computer model for recognition of functional transcription start sites in RNA polymerase II promoters of vertebrates
VB Bajic, SH Seah, A Chong, SPT Krishnan, JLY Koh, V Brusic
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 21 (5), 323-332, 2003
COLT-Cancer: functional genetic screening resource for essential genes in human cancer cell lines
JLY Koh, KR Brown, A Sayad, D Kasimer, T Ketela, J Moffat
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D957-D963, 2012
FIMM, a database of functional molecular immunology
C Schönbach, JLY Koh, X Sheng, L Wong, V Brusic
Nucleic acids research 28 (1), 222-224, 2000
Essential gene profiles in breast, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Discov. 2012; 2: 172–189. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290
R Marcotte, KR Brown, F Suarez, A Sayad, K Karamboulas, ...
CD-11-0224.[Europe PMC free article][Abstract][CrossRef][Google Scholar], 2012
A comprehensive platform for highly multiplexed mammalian functional genetic screens
T Ketela, LE Heisler, KR Brown, R Ammar, D Kasimer, A Surendra, ...
BMC genomics 12, 1-13, 2011
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Articles 1–20