Maria Kuzmina
Maria Kuzmina
Research Scientist, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, University of Guelph
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Cited by
DNA metabarcoding illuminates dietary niche partitioning by African large herbivores
TR Kartzinel, PA Chen, TC Coverdale, DL Erickson, WJ Kress, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (26), 8019-8024, 2015
DNA barcoding methods for land plants
AJ Fazekas, ML Kuzmina, SG Newmaster, PM Hollingsworth
DNA barcodes: Methods and protocols, 223-252, 2012
Loss of all plastid ndh genes in Gnetales and conifers: extent and evolutionary significance for the seed plant phylogeny
TWA Braukmann, M Kuzmina, S Stefanović
Current Genetics 55, 323-337, 2009
Delimitation of major lineages within Cuscuta subgenus Grammica (Convolvulaceae) using plastid and nuclear DNA sequences
S Stefanović, M Kuzmina, M Costea
American Journal of Botany 94 (4), 568-589, 2007
Phylogeny, character evolution, and biogeography of Cuscuta (dodders; Convolvulaceae) inferred from coding plastid and nuclear sequences
MA García, M Costea, M Kuzmina, S Stefanović
American journal of botany 101 (4), 670-690, 2014
How effective are DNA barcodes in the identification of African rainforest trees?
I Parmentier, J Duminil, M Kuzmina, M Philippe, DW Thomas, D Kenfack, ...
PLoS one 8 (4), e54921, 2013
Biodiversity inventories in high gear: DNA barcoding facilitates a rapid biotic survey of a temperate nature reserve
AC Telfer, MR Young, J Quinn, K Perez, CN Sobel, JE Sones, ...
Biodiversity data journal, 2015
Authentication of herbal supplements using next-generation sequencing
NV Ivanova, ML Kuzmina, TWA Braukmann, AV Borisenko, EV Zakharov
PloS one 11 (5), e0156426, 2016
Identification of the vascular plants of Churchill, Manitoba, using a DNA barcode library
ML Kuzmina, KL Johnson, HR Barron, PDN Hebert
BMC ecology 12, 1-11, 2012
Plastid genome evolution across the genus Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae): two clades within subgenus Grammica exhibit extensive gene loss
T Braukmann, M Kuzmina, S Stefanović
Journal of experimental botany 64 (4), 977-989, 2013
Testing the efficacy of DNA barcodes for identifying the vascular plants of Canada
TWA Braukmann, ML Kuzmina, J Sills, EV Zakharov, PDN Hebert
PLoS one 12 (1), e0169515, 2017
Using herbarium‐derived DNAs to assemble a large‐scale DNA barcode library for the vascular plants of Canada
ML Kuzmina, TWA Braukmann, AJ Fazekas, SW Graham, SL Dewaard, ...
Applications in Plant Sciences 5 (12), 1700079, 2017
Assessment of the authenticity of herbal dietary supplements: comparison of chemical and DNA barcoding methods
RS Pawar, SM Handy, R Cheng, N Shyong, E Grundel
Planta Medica 83 (11), 921-936, 2017
Plant DNA‐barcode library and community phylogeny for a semi‐arid East African savanna
BA Gill, PM Musili, S Kurukura, AA Hassan, JR Goheen, WJ Kress, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 19 (4), 838-846, 2019
Molecular and morphological analysis of subfamily Alooideae (Asphodelaceae) and the inclusion of Chortolirion in Aloe
BH Daru, JC Manning, JS Boatwright, O Maurin, N Maclean, H Schaefer, ...
Taxon 62 (1), 62-76, 2013
Molecular phylogeny of Edraianthus (Grassy Bells; Campanulaceae) based on non‐coding plastid DNA sequences
S Stefanović, D Lakušić, M Kuzmina, S Međedović, K Tan, V Stevanović
Taxon 57 (2), 452-475, 2008
Large herbivores favour species diversity but have mixed impacts on phylogenetic community structure in an African savanna ecosystem
K Yessoufou, TJ Davies, O Maurin, M Kuzmina, H Schaefer, ...
Journal of Ecology, 614-625, 2013
Finding the pond through the weeds: eDNA reveals underestimated diversity of pondweeds
ML Kuzmina, TWA Braukmann, EV Zakharov
Applications in plant sciences 6 (5), e01155, 2018
A five-marker molecular phylogeny of the Styphelieae (Epacridoideae, Ericaceae) supports a broad concept of Styphelia
C Puente-Lelièvre, M Hislop, M Harrington, EA Brown, M Kuzmina, ...
Australian Systematic Botany 28 (6), 368-387, 2016
DNA barcodes from four loci provide poor resolution of taxonomic groups in the genus Crataegus
M Zarrei, N Talent, M Kuzmina, J Lee, J Lund, PR Shipley, S Stefanović, ...
AoB Plants 7, plv045, 2015
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Articles 1–20