Venkata Ramakrishna Padullaparthi
Venkata Ramakrishna Padullaparthi
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Automatic generation of energy conservation measures in buildings using genetic algorithms
V Siddharth, PV Ramakrishna, T Geetha, A Sivasubramaniam
Energy and Buildings 43 (10), 2718-2726, 2011
Energy efficient thermal comfort in open-plan office buildings
S Nagarathinam, H Doddi, A Vasan, V Sarangan, PV Ramakrishna, ...
Energy and Buildings 139, 476-486, 2017
Energy disaggregation analysis of a supermarket chain using a facility-model
SR Iyer, M Sankar, PV Ramakrishna, V Sarangan, A Vasan, ...
Energy and Buildings 97, 65-76, 2015
Numerical study of the stagger angle effects in forward swept axial compressor rotor passages
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 44021, 443-453, 2010
FALCON-FArm Level CONtrol for wind turbines using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
VR Padullaparthi, S Nagarathinam, A Vasan, V Menon, D Sudarsanam
Renewable Energy 181, 445-456, 2022
Centralized management of HVAC energy in large multi-AHU zones
S Nagarathinam, A Vasan, V Ramakrishna P, SR Iyer, V Sarangan, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for …, 2015
Study of sweep and induced dihedral effects in subsonic axial flow compressor passages—part I: design considerations—changes in incidence, deflection, and streamline curvature
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2009 (1), 787145, 2009
Combined effects of forward sweep and tip clearance on the performance of axial flow compressor stage
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 48883, 273-282, 2009
Method and system for adaptive forecast of wind resources
VR Padullaparthi, K Sagar, G Thiagarajan, A Sivasubramaniam
US Patent 9,269,056, 2016
Stall characteristics and tip clearance effects in forward swept axial compressor rotors
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
Journal of Thermal Science 18, 40-47, 2009
Aerodynamic performance of low speed axial flow compressor rotors with sweep and tip clearance
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 3 (2), 195-206, 2009
On loading corrections and loss distributions in low-speed forward swept axial compressor rotors
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2011
Study of sweep and induced dihedral effects in subsonic axial flow compressor passages—part II: detailed study of the effects on tip leakage phenomena
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2010 (1), 491413, 2010
On the utility of occupancy sensing for managing HVAC energy in large zones
S Nagarathinam, SR Iyer, A Vasan, VR P, V Sarangan, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Sixth International Conference on Future Energy …, 2015
Windy with a chance of profit: bid strategy and analysis for wind integration
S Kurandwad, C Subramanian, VR P, A Vasan, V Sarangan, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Future energy systems, 39-49, 2014
sUncover: Estimating the Hidden Behind-the-meter Solar Rooftop and Battery Capacities in Grids
VR Padullaparthi, V Sarangan, A Sivasubramaniam
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2019
Methods and systems for fault detection, diagnosis and localization in solar panel network
VR Padullaparthi, SM Thumma, A Vasan
US Patent 11,251,749, 2022
Sense and sensibility–The utility of HVAC sensors for large zones
S Nagarathinam, VR Padullaparthi, A Vasan, V Sarangan, ...
Energy and Buildings 138, 104-117, 2017
Online system for energy assessment in large facilities-Methodology & A real-world case study
PV Ramakrishna, G Kaushik, KL Sudhakar, G Thiagarajan, ...
2013 International Green Computing Conference Proceedings, 1-9, 2013
On Rotor Blade Loading and Tip Leakage Phenomena in a Low Speed Axial Compressor with Forward Blade Sweep
PV Ramakrishna, M Govardhan
JSME International Conference on Power Engineering-09, ICOPE-09 F 210, 2009
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Articles 1–20