Larisa Beilina
Cited by
Cited by
Approximate global convergence and adaptivity for coefficient inverse problems
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
A globally convergent numerical method for a coefficient inverse problem
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (1), 478-509, 2008
Adaptivity with relaxation for ill-posed problems and global convergence for a coefficient inverse problem
L Beilina, MV Klibanov, MY Kokurin
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 167, 279-325, 2010
A posteriori error estimation in computational inverse scattering
L Beilina, C Johnson
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences 15 (01), 23-35, 2005
Reconstruction of the refractive index from experimental backscattering data using a globally convergent inverse method
NT Thanh, L Beilina, MV Klibanov, MA Fiddy
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (3), B273-B293, 2014
Blind backscattering experimental data collected in the field and an approximately globally convergent inverse algorithm
AV Kuzhuget, L Beilina, MV Klibanov, A Sullivan, L Nguyen, MA Fiddy, ...
Inverse Problems 28 (9), 095007, 2012
Picosecond scale experimental verification of a globally convergent algorithm for a coefficient inverse problem
MV Klibanov, MA Fiddy, L Beilina, N Pantong, J Schenk
Inverse problems 26 (4), 045003, 2010
Energy estimates and numerical verification of the stabilized domain decomposition finite element/finite difference approach for time-dependent Maxwell’s system
L Beilina
Central European Journal of Mathematics 11, 702-733, 2013
Numerical linear algebra: Theory and applications
L Beilina, E Karchevskii, M Karchevskii
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Imaging of buried objects from experimental backscattering time-dependent measurements using a globally convergent inverse algorithm
NT Thanh, L Beilina, MV Klibanov, MA Fiddy
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (1), 757-786, 2015
Reconstruction of dielectrics from experimental data via a hybrid globally convergent/adaptive inverse algorithm
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
Inverse Problems 26 (12), 125009, 2010
A posteriori error estimates for the adaptivity technique for the Tikhonov functional and global convergence for a coefficient inverse problem
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
Inverse Problems 26 (4), 045012, 2010
Reconstruction of shapes and refractive indices from backscattering experimental data using the adaptivity
L Beilina, NT Thanh, MV Klibanov, JB Malmberg
Inverse Problems 30 (10), 105007, 2014
An adaptive hybrid FEM/FDM method for an inverse scattering problem in scanning acoustic microscopy
L Beilina, C Clason
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (1), 382-402, 2006
Globally strongly convex cost functional for a coefficient inverse problem
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
Nonlinear analysis: real world applications 22, 272-288, 2015
A new approximate mathematical model for global convergence for a coefficient inverse problem with backscattering data
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 20 (4), 513-565, 2012
Hybrid FEM/FDM method for an inverse scattering problem
L Beilina, C Johnsson
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2001 …, 2003
Adaptive finite element method for a coefficient inverse problem for Maxwell's system
L Beilina
Applicable Analysis 90 (10), 1461-1479, 2011
Synthesis of global convergence and adaptivity for a hyperbolic coefficient inverse problem in 3D
L Beilina, MV Klibanov
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 18 (1), 85-132, 2010
Efficiency of a hybrid method for the wave equation
L Beilina, K Samuelsson, K Åhlander
Gakkotosho, 2001
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Articles 1–20