Vincent Fernandez
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Cited by
Synchrotron scanning reveals amphibious ecomorphology in a new clade of bird-like dinosaurs
A Cau, V Beyrand, DFAE Voeten, V Fernandez, P Tafforeau, K Stein, ...
Nature 552 (7685), 395-399, 2017
Synchrotron reveals Early Triassic odd couple: injured amphibian and aestivating therapsid share burrow
V Fernandez, F Abdala, KJ Carlson, DC Cook, BS Rubidge, A Yates, ...
PloS one 8 (6), e64978, 2013
Fossils reveal the complex evolutionary history of the mammalian regionalized spine
KE Jones, KD Angielczyk, PD Polly, JJ Head, V Fernandez, JK Lungmus, ...
Science 361 (6408), 1249-1252, 2018
Duration of the Early Bajocian and the associated δ13C positive excursion based on cyclostratigraphy
B Sucheras-Marx, F Giraud, V Fernandez, B Pittet, C Lecuyer, D Olivero, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 170 (1), 107-118, 2013
Heart fossilization is possible and informs the evolution of cardiac outflow tract in vertebrates
L Maldanis, M Carvalho, MR Almeida, FI Freitas, JAFG De Andrade, ...
Elife 5, e14698, 2016
Global climate perturbations during the Permo-Triassic mass extinctions recorded by continental tetrapods from South Africa
K Rey, R Amiot, F Fourel, T Rigaudier, F Abdala, MO Day, V Fernandez, ...
Gondwana Research 37, 384-396, 2016
The future of three‐dimensional microscopic imaging in marine biology
R Boistel, J Swoger, U Kržič, V Fernandez, B Gillet, EG Reynaud
Marine Ecology 32 (4), 438-452, 2011
Ontogeny of the Early Triassic cynodont Thrinaxodon liorhinus (Therapsida): dental morphology and replacement
F Abdala, SC Jasinoski, V Fernandez
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 (6), 1408-1431, 2013
Synchrotron scanning reveals the palaeoneurology of the head-butting Moschops capensis (Therapsida, Dinocephalia)
J Benoit, PR Manger, L Norton, V Fernandez, BS Rubidge
PeerJ 5, e3496, 2017
Push and bite: trade-offs between burrowing and biting in a burrowing skink (Acontias percivali)
B Vanhooydonck, R Boistel, V Fernandez, A Herrel
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102 (1), 91-99, 2011
New beetles of polyphaga (Coleoptera, Polyphaga) from lower cretaceous lebanese amber
AG Kirejtshuk, D Azar, P Tafforeau, R Boistel, V Fernandez
Denisia 26, 119-130, 2009
Ontogeny of the Early Triassic Cynodont Thrinaxodon liorhinus (Therapsida): Cranial Morphology
SC Jasinoski, F Abdala, V Fernandez
The Anatomical Record 298 (8), 1440-1464, 2015
The evolution of the maxillary canal in Probainognathia (Cynodontia, Synapsida): reassessment of the homology of the infraorbital foramen in mammalian ancestors
J Benoit, I Ruf, JA Miyamae, V Fernandez, PG Rodrigues, BS Rubidge
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 27, 329-348, 2020
X-ray phase tomography with near-field speckles for three-dimensional virtual histology
MC Zdora, P Thibault, W Kuo, V Fernandez, H Deyhle, J Vila-Comamala, ...
Optica 7 (9), 1221-1227, 2020
Reptile-like physiology in Early Jurassic stem-mammals
E Newham, PG Gill, P Brewer, MJ Benton, V Fernandez, NJ Gostling, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 5121, 2020
A Re-Description of ‘Mycterosaurus’ smithae, an Early Permian Eothyridid, and Its Impact on the Phylogeny of Pelycosaurian-Grade Synapsids
N Brocklehurst, RR Reisz, V Fernandez, J Fröbisch
PLoS One 11 (6), e0156810, 2016
Evolution of facial innervation in anomodont therapsids (Synapsida): Insights from X‐ray computerized microtomography
J Benoit, KD Angielczyk, JA Miyamae, P Manger, V Fernandez, ...
Journal of Morphology 279 (5), 673-701, 2018
Aspects of gorgonopsian paleobiology and evolution: insights from the basicranium, occiput, osseous labyrinth, vasculature, and neuroanatomy
R Araújo, V Fernandez, MJ Polcyn, J Fröbisch, RMS Martins
PeerJ 5, e3119, 2017
Fossilized cell structures identify an ancient origin for the teleost whole-genome duplication
D Davesne, M Friedman, AD Schmitt, V Fernandez, G Carnevale, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (30), e2101780118, 2021
Multiphase progenetic development shaped the brain of flying archosaurs
V Beyrand, DFAE Voeten, S Bureš, V Fernandez, J Janáček, D Jirák, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10807, 2019
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Articles 1–20