Vijay  M. khadse
Vijay M. khadse
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and IT, College of Engineering Pune, Shivaji nagar Pune
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Cited by
Security issues in IIoT: A comprehensive survey of attacks on IIoT and its countermeasures
AC Panchal, VM Khadse, PN Mahalle
2018 IEEE Global Conference on Wireless Computing and Networking (GCWCN …, 2018
An empirical comparison of supervised machine learning algorithms for internet of things data
V Khadse, PN Mahalle, SV Biraris
2018 fourth international conference on computing communication control and …, 2018
Statistical study of machine learning algorithms using parametric and non-parametric tests: A comparative analysis and recommendations
VM Khadse, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 11 (3 …, 2020
A novel approach of ensemble learning with feature reduction for classification of binary and multiclass IoT data
MVM Khadse
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (6 …, 2021
The hybrid framework of ensemble technique in machine learning for phishing detection
AS Mahajan, PK Navale, VV Patil, VM Khadse, PN Mahalle
International Journal of Information and Computer Security 21 (1-2), 162-184, 2023
Algorithms for Data Analytics Using Machine Learning in Internet of Things
VM Khadse
Pune, 2021
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Articles 1–6