Luca Ciabatta
Luca Ciabatta
Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica
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Cited by
Soil as a natural rain gauge: Estimating global rainfall from satellite soil moisture data
L Brocca, L Ciabatta, C Massari, T Moramarco, S Hahn, S Hasenauer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (9), 5128-5141, 2014
Toward global soil moisture monitoring with Sentinel-1: Harnessing assets and overcoming obstacles
B Bauer-Marschallinger, V Freeman, S Cao, C Paulik, S Schaufler, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (1), 520-539, 2018
Soil moisture for hydrological applications: Open questions and new opportunities
L Brocca, L Ciabatta, C Massari, S Camici, A Tarpanelli
Water 9 (2), 140, 2017
SM2RAIN–ASCAT (2007–2018): Global daily satellite rainfall data from ASCAT soil moisture observations
L Brocca, P Filippucci, S Hahn, L Ciabatta, C Massari, S Camici, ...
Earth System Science Data 11 (4), 1583-1601, 2019
How far are we from the use of satellite rainfall products in landslide forecasting?
MT Brunetti, M Melillo, S Peruccacci, L Ciabatta, L Brocca
Remote sensing of environment 210, 65-75, 2018
Soil moisture from fusion of scatterometer and SAR: Closing the scale gap with temporal filtering
B Bauer-Marschallinger, C Paulik, S Hochstöger, T Mistelbauer, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (7), 1030, 2018
A review of the applications of ASCAT soil moisture products
L Brocca, WT Crow, L Ciabatta, C Massari, P De Rosnay, M Enenkel, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2017
SM2RAIN-CCI: A new global long-term rainfall data set derived from ESA CCI soil moisture
L Ciabatta, C Massari, L Brocca, A Gruber, C Reimer, S Hahn, C Paulik, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (1), 267-280, 2018
Exploiting satellite-based surface soil moisture for flood forecasting in the Mediterranean area: State update versus rainfall correction
C Massari, S Camici, L Ciabatta, L Brocca
Remote Sensing 10 (2), 292, 2018
Assessing the impact of climate-change scenarios on landslide occurrence in Umbria Region, Italy
L Ciabatta, S Camici, L Brocca, F Ponziani, M Stelluti, N Berni, ...
Journal of Hydrology 541, 285-295, 2016
How reliable are satellite precipitation estimates for driving hydrological models: A verification study over the Mediterranean area
S Camici, L Ciabatta, C Massari, L Brocca
Journal of hydrology 563, 950-961, 2018
Rainfall estimation from in situ soil moisture observations at several sites in Europe: an evaluation of the SM2RAIN algorithm
L Brocca, C Massari, L Ciabatta, T Moramarco, D Penna, G Zuecco, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 63 (3), 201-209, 2015
Rainfall-runoff modelling by using SM2RAIN-derived and state-of-the-art satellite rainfall products over Italy
L Ciabatta, L Brocca, C Massari, T Moramarco, S Gabellani, S Puca, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 48 …, 2016
Rainfall estimation by inverting SMOS soil moisture estimates: A comparison of different methods over Australia
L Brocca, T Pellarin, WT Crow, L Ciabatta, C Massari, D Ryu, CH Su, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (20), 12,062-12,079, 2016
Integration of satellite soil moisture and rainfall observations over the Italian territory
L Ciabatta, L Brocca, C Massari, T Moramarco, S Puca, A Rinollo, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (3), 1341-1355, 2015
Daily precipitation estimation through different microwave sensors: Verification study over Italy
L Ciabatta, AC Marra, G Panegrossi, D Casella, P Sanò, S Dietrich, ...
Journal of hydrology 545, 436-450, 2017
River flow prediction in data scarce regions: soil moisture integrated satellite rainfall products outperform rain gauge observations in West Africa
L Brocca, C Massari, T Pellarin, P Filippucci, L Ciabatta, S Camici, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 12517, 2020
Development of a data-driven model for spatial and temporal shallow landslide probability of occurrence at catchment scale
M Bordoni, V Vivaldi, L Lucchelli, L Ciabatta, L Brocca, JP Galve, ...
Landslides 18, 1209-1229, 2021
A daily 25 km short-latency rainfall product for data-scarce regions based on the integration of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission rainfall and multiple-satellite …
C Massari, L Brocca, T Pellarin, G Abramowitz, P Filippucci, L Ciabatta, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (5), 2687-2710, 2020
Use of satellite soil moisture products for the operational mitigation of landslides risk in central Italy
L Brocca, L Ciabatta, T Moramarco, F Ponziani, N Berni, W Wagner
Satellite soil moisture retrieval, 231-247, 2016
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Articles 1–20