Allyson L. Lister
Allyson L. Lister
University of Oxford, Oxford e-Research Centre
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Cited by
The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification
D Field, G Garrity, T Gray, N Morrison, J Selengut, P Sterk, T Tatusova, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (5), 541-547, 2008
The International Protein Index: an integrated database for proteomics experiments
PJ Kersey, J Duarte, A Williams, Y Karavidopoulou, E Birney, R Apweiler
Proteomics 4 (7), 1985-1988, 2004
The ontology for biomedical investigations
A Bandrowski, R Brinkman, M Brochhausen, MH Brush, B Bug, ...
PloS one 11 (4), 2016
Controlled vocabularies and semantics in systems biology
M Courtot, N Juty, C Knüpfer, D Waltemath, A Zhukova, A Dräger, ...
Molecular systems biology 7 (1), 543, 2011
FAIRsharing as a community approach to standards, repositories and policies
SA Sansone, P McQuilton, P Rocca-Serra, A Gonzalez-Beltran, M Izzo, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (4), 358-367, 2019
Data resource profile: accessible resource for integrated epigenomic studies (aries)
CL Relton, T Gaunt, W McArdle, K Ho, A Duggirala, H Shihab, ...
International journal of epidemiology 44 (4), 1181-1190, 2015
SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models
SM Keating, D Waltemath, M König, F Zhang, A Dräger, C Chaouiya, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 16 (8), e9110, 2020
MIREOT: The minimum information to reference an external ontology term
M Courtot, F Gibson, AL Lister, J Malone, D Schober, RR Brinkman, ...
Applied Ontology 6 (1), 23-33, 2011
BioSharing: curated and crowd-sourced metadata standards, databases and data policies in the life sciences
P McQuilton, A Gonzalez-Beltran, P Rocca-Serra, M Thurston, A Lister, ...
Database 2016, baw075, 2016
The Software Ontology (SWO): a resource for reproducibility in biomedical data analysis, curation and digital preservation
J Malone, A Brown, AL Lister, J Ison, D Hull, H Parkinson, R Stevens
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 5 (1), 25, 2014
The first RSBI (ISA-TAB) workshop:“can a simple format work for complex studies?”
SA Sansone, P Rocca-Serra, M Brandizi, A Brazma, D Field, J Fostel, ...
OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology 12 (2), 143-149, 2008
Quantitative fitness analysis shows that NMD proteins and many other protein complexes suppress or enhance distinct telomere cap defects
SG Addinall, EM Holstein, C Lawless, M Yu, K Chapman, AP Banks, ...
PLoS Genet 7 (4), e1001362, 2011
MIREOT: the minimum information to reference an external ontology term
M Courtot, F Gibson, AL Lister, J Malone, D Schober, R Brinkman, ...
Aug-2009, 2009
The OWL of Biomedical Investigations.
M Courtot, WJ Bug, F Gibson, AL Lister, J Malone, D Schober, ...
OWLED 432, 2008
The FAIR Cookbook-the essential resource for and by FAIR doers
P Rocca-Serra, W Gu, V Ioannidis, T Abbassi-Daloii, S Capella-Gutierrez, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 292, 2023
Saint: a lightweight integration environment for model annotation
AL Lister, M Pocock, M Taschuk, A Wipat
Bioinformatics 25 (22), 3026-3027, 2009
Annotation of SBML models through rule-based semantic integration.
AL Lister, PW Lord, MR Pocock, A Wipat
J. Biomedical Semantics 1 (S-1), S3, 2010
Helping the consumers and producers of standards, repositories and policies to enable FAIR data
P McQuilton, D Batista, O Beyan, R Granell, S Coles, M Izzo, AL Lister, ...
Data Intelligence 2 (1-2), 151-157, 2020
“Be sustainable”: EOSC‐Life recommendations for implementation of FAIR principles in life science data handling
R David, A Rybina, JM Burel, JK Heriche, P Audergon, JW Boiten, ...
The EMBO Journal 42 (23), e115008, 2023
eGenomics: cataloguing our complete genome collection III
D Field, G Garrity, T Gray, J Selengut, P Sterk, N Thomson, T Tatusova, ...
Comparative and Functional Genomics 2007, 2007
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Articles 1–20