Pei Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Acceptance of full driving automation: Personally owned and shared-use concepts
S Motamedi, P Wang, T Zhang, CY Chan
Human factors 62 (2), 288-309, 2020
Road safety research in China: review and appraisal
P Wang, PLP Rau, G Salvendy
Traffic injury prevention 11 (4), 425-432, 2010
Adaptive user guidance for navigation and location-based services
O Tsimhoni, P Wang
US Patent 9,127,955, 2015
Pedestrian interaction with automated vehicles at uncontrolled intersections
P Wang, S Motamedi, S Qi, X Zhou, T Zhang, CY Chan
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 77, 10-25, 2021
Safety of micro-mobility: Riders’ psychological factors and risky behaviors of cargo TTWs in China
Y He, C Sun, H Huang, L Jiang, M Ma, P Wang, C Wu
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 80, 189-202, 2021
Vehicle automation and operator engagment level prediction
P Wang, RJ Mathieu, JF Szczerba, GP Bertollini
US Patent 10,198,009, 2019
Adaptive navigation and location-based services based on user behavior patterns
CV Goldman-Shenhar, A Konigsberg, P Wang, O Tsimhoni
US Patent 9,476,729, 2016
Methods and systems for assisting operation of a road vehicle with an aerial drone
D Sun, P Wang, J Yao, C Duan, JL Du
US Patent App. 15/876,660, 2019
Automobile door open hazard warning system and methods
C Duan, P Wang, Z Gao, J Yao
US Patent 10,086,833, 2018
Chinese drivers’ risky driving and risk taking in other life situations
P Wang, PLP Rau, G Salvendy
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 17 (2), 155-164, 2011
Adaptation methods and systems for speech systems
P Wang, U Winter, TJ Grost, MM Highstrom
US Patent 9,858,920, 2018
Intention to perform eco-driving and acceptance of eco-driving system
R Lin, P Wang
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 166, 444-459, 2022
Methods and apparatus for providing personalized controlling for vehicle
P Wang, J Wang, W Otto
US Patent App. 15/118,690, 2017
Method and apparatus for controlling a vehicle seat
J Qi, J Du, P Wang, R Liu, J Wu, X Dai
US Patent 10,406,940, 2019
Driver-to-driver communication system, vehicle, and method thereof
L Chen, J Du, X Dai, P Wang
US Patent App. 14/648,170, 2015
Effect of information sharing and communication on driver’s risk taking
P Wang, PLP Rau, G Salvendy
Safety Science 77, 123-132, 2015
Systems And Methods To Control Vehicle Braking Using Steering Wheel Mounted Brake Activation Mechanism
P Wang, C Duan, J Qi, X Dai
US Patent App. 15/381,249, 2018
Methods, systems, and drones for assisting communication between a road vehicle and other road users
JL Du, P Wang
US Patent App. 15/855,529, 2019
Cross Cultural Comparison of Users’ Barge-in with the In-Vehicle Speech System
P Wang, U Winter, T Grost
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design: 4th …, 2015
Energy-efficient navigation route for electric transportation device
P Wang, MO Harpster, W Yang, E Chen
US Patent 9,857,189, 2018
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Articles 1–20