Marie-Charlotte Buisson Gatouillat
Marie-Charlotte Buisson Gatouillat
International Water Management Institute (IWMI-CGIAR)
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Citované v
Evolution of water management in coastal Bangladesh: from temporary earthen embankments to depoliticized community-managed polders
C Dewan, A Mukherji, MC Buisson
Water International 40 (3), 401-416, 2015
The Imposition of Participation? The Case of Participatory Water Management in Coastal Bangladesh.
C Dewan, MC Buisson, A Mukherji
Water Alternatives 7 (2), 2014
From women's empowerment to food security: Revisiting global discourses through a cross-country analysis
F Clement, MC Buisson, S Leder, S Balasubramanya, P Saikia, ...
Global Food Security 23, 160-172, 2019
Irrigation and energy: issues and challenges
G Belaud, L Mateos, R Aliod, MC Buisson, E Faci, S Gendre, G Ghinassi, ...
Irrigation and Drainage 69, 177-185, 2020
Opportunities for cropping system intensification in the coastal zone of Bangladesh
MK Mondal, PLC Paul, E Humphreys, TP Tuong, SP Ritu, MA Rashid
Revitalizing the Ganges Coastal Zone: Turning Science into Policy and …, 2015
The effect of irrigation service delivery and training in agronomy on crop choice in Tajikistan
MC Buisson, S Balasubramanya
Land Use Policy 81, 175-184, 2019
Identifying opportunities to improve governance of aquatic agricultural systems through participatory action research
JM Apgar, PJ Cohen, BD Ratner, S de Silva, MC Buisson, C Longley, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (1), 2017
Revitalizing the Ganges coastal zone: Turning science into policy and practices
E Humphreys, TP Tuong, MC Buisson, I Pukinskis, M Phillips
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems, 2015
Climate risk perceptions and perceived yield loss increases agricultural technology adoption in the polder areas of Bangladesh
Z Ahmed, AM Shew, MK Mondal, S Yadav, SVK Jagadish, PVV Prasad, ...
Journal of Rural Studies 94, 274-286, 2022
Electric pumps, groundwater, agriculture and water buyers: evidence from West Bengal
MC Buisson, S Balasubramanya, D Stifel
The Journal of Development Studies 57 (11), 1893-1911, 2021
Messages from the Ganges basin development challenge: Unlocking the production potential of the polders of the coastal zone of Bangladesh through water management investment …
TP Tuong, E Humphreys, ZH Khan, A Nelson, MK Mondal, MC Buisson, ...
WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series, 2014
Women's empowerment and the will to change: Evidence from Nepal
MC Buisson, F Clement, S Leder
Journal of Rural Studies 94, 128-139, 2022
Impact of Water Users Associations on Water and Land Productivity, Equity and Food Security in Tajikistan
S Balasubramanya, MC Buisson, P Saikia, K MacDonald, S Aslamy, ... …, 2016
Risks from solar-powered groundwater irrigation
S Balasubramanya, D Garrick, N Brozović, C Ringler, E Zaveri, ...
Science 383 (6680), 256-258, 2024
Does increased access to groundwater irrigation through electricity reforms affect agricultural and groundwater outcomes?: evidence from West Bengal, India. Final project …
A Mukherji, MC Buisson, A Mitra, PS Banerjee, SD Chowdhury
IWMI, 2020
The Gender Gap between Water Management and Water Users: Evidence from Southwest Bangladesh
MC Buisson, F Curnow, Jayne, Naz
SAWAS 5 (4), 2017
Trois essais sur la vulnérabilité des ménages ruraux dans les pays en développement: risques, stratégies et impacts
MC Buisson
Université d'Auvergne-Clermont-Ferrand I, 2012
Where River Meets the Sea: Participatory Water Management in Coastal Bangladesh
MC Buisson, A Das, A Mukherji
Review of Market Integration 9 (1-2), 45-65, 2017
Impact of Water Users Associations on Water and Land Productivity, Equity and Food Security in Tajikistan
MC Buisson, K MacDonald, P Saikia, S Balasubramanya, S Aslamy, ...
Mid-term Technical Report, 2016
Positive incentives for managing groundwater in the presence of informal water markets: perspectives from India
S Balasubramanya, MC Buisson
Environmental Research Letters 17 (10), 101001, 2022
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