Doretta Caramaschi
Doretta Caramaschi
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Covariation between personalities and individual differences in coping with stress: converging evidence and hypotheses
C Carere, D Caramaschi, TW Fawcett
Current Zoology 56 (6), 728-740, 2010
Peripheral SLC6A4 DNA methylation is associated with in vivo measures of human brain serotonin synthesis and childhood physical aggression
D Wang, M Szyf, C Benkelfat, N Provençal, G Turecki, D Caramaschi, ...
PloS one 7 (6), e39501, 2012
Differential role of the 5-HT1A receptor in aggressive and non-aggressive mice: an across-strain comparison
D Caramaschi, SF de Boer, JM Koolhaas
Physiology & behavior 90 (4), 590-601, 2007
The vicious cycle towards violence: focus on the negative feedback mechanisms of brain serotonin neurotransmission
S De Boer, D Caramaschi, D Natarajan, J Koolhaas
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 3, 977, 2009
Development of violence in mice through repeated victory along with changes in prefrontal cortex neurochemistry
D Caramaschi, SF de Boer, H de Vries, JM Koolhaas
Behavioural brain research 189 (2), 263-272, 2008
Association between DNA methylation and ADHD symptoms from birth to school age: a prospective meta-analysis
A Neumann, E Walton, S Alemany, C Cecil, JR González, DD Jima, ...
Translational Psychiatry 10 (1), 398, 2020
Differential DNA methylation regions in cytokine and transcription factor genomic loci associate with childhood physical aggression
N Provencal, MJ Suderman, D Caramaschi, D Wang, M Hallett, F Vitaro, ...
PLoS one 8 (8), e71691, 2013
Animal violence demystified
D Natarajan, D Caramaschi
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 4, 887, 2010
Aggressive and non-aggressive personalities differ in oxidative status in selected lines of mice (Mus musculus)
D Costantini, C Carere, D Caramaschi, JM Koolhaas
Biology Letters 4 (1), 119-122, 2008
Exploring a causal role of DNA methylation in the relationship between maternal vitamin B12 during pregnancy and child’s IQ at age 8, cognitive performance and …
D Caramaschi, GC Sharp, EA Nohr, K Berryman, SJ Lewis, ...
Human molecular genetics 26 (15), 3001-3013, 2017
Maternal smoking during pregnancy and autism: using causal inference methods in a birth cohort study
D Caramaschi, AE Taylor, RC Richmond, KA Havdahl, J Golding, ...
Translational Psychiatry 8 (1), 262, 2018
Genetic and environmental contributions to saliva testosterone levels in male and female infant twins
D Caramaschi, L Booij, A Petitclerc, M Boivin, RE Tremblay
Psychoneuroendocrinology 37 (12), 1954-1959, 2012
Maternal anxiety during pregnancy and newborn epigenome-wide DNA methylation
S Sammallahti, AP Cortes Hidalgo, S Tuominen, A Malmberg, RH Mulder, ...
Molecular psychiatry 26 (6), 1832-1845, 2021
Is hyper-aggressiveness associated with physiological hypoarousal? A comparative study on mouse lines selected for high and low aggressiveness
D Caramaschi, SF de Boer, JM Koolhaas
Physiology & behavior 95 (4), 591-598, 2008
DNA methylation signatures of breastfeeding in buccal cells collected in mid-childhood
VV Odintsova, FA Hagenbeek, M Suderman, D Caramaschi, ...
Nutrients 11 (11), 2804, 2019
Association between breastfeeding and DNA methylation over the life course: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)
FP Hartwig, G Davey Smith, AJ Simpkin, CG Victora, CL Relton, ...
Nutrients 12 (11), 3309, 2020
Prenatal anxiety, breastfeeding and child growth and puberty: linking evolutionary models with human cohort studies
S English, I Wright, V Ashburn, G Ford, D Caramaschi
Annals of Human Biology 47 (2), 106-115, 2020
Neuroendocrine and autonomic correlates of animal personalities
D Caramaschi, C Carere, A Sgoifo, JM Koolhaas
Animal Personalities. Behavior, Physiology, and Evolution, 2013
Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide associations between DNA methylation at birth and childhood cognitive skills
D Caramaschi, A Neumann, A Cardenas, G Tindula, S Alemany, L Zillich, ...
Molecular psychiatry 27 (4), 2126-2135, 2022
DNA methylome-wide association study of genetic risk for depression implicates antigen processing and immune responses
X Shen, D Caramaschi, MJ Adams, RM Walker, JL Min, A Kwong, ...
Genome medicine 14 (1), 36, 2022
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