Franck Jabot
Franck Jabot
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Ecophylogenetics: advances and perspectives
N Mouquet, V Devictor, CN Meynard, F Munoz, LF Bersier, J Chave, ...
Biological reviews 87 (4), 769-785, 2012
REVIEW: Predictive ecology in a changing world
N Mouquet, Y Lagadeuc, V Devictor, L Doyen, A Duputié, D Eveillard, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (5), 1293-1310, 2015
Reconciling neutral community models and environmental filtering: theory and an empirical test
F Jabot, RS Etienne, J Chave
Oikos 117 (9), 1308-1320, 2008
Adaptive approximate Bayesian computation for complex models
M Lenormand, F Jabot, G Deffuant
Computational Statistics 28 (6), 2777-2796, 2013
Measurement of biological information with applications from genes to landscapes
WB Sherwin, F Jabot, R Rush, M Rossetto
Molecular Ecology 15 (10), 2857-2869, 2006
Inferring the parameters of the neutral theory of biodiversity using phylogenetic information and implications for tropical forests
F Jabot, J Chave
Ecology letters 12 (3), 239-248, 2009
EasyABC: performing efficient approximate Bayesian computation sampling schemes using R
F Jabot, T Faure, N Dumoulin
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (7), 684-687, 2013
Shifts in species and phylogenetic diversity between sapling and tree communities indicate negative density dependence in a lowland rain forest
MA Gonzalez, A Roger, EA Courtois, F Jabot, N Norden, CE Paine, ...
Journal of Ecology 98 (1), 137-146, 2010
Using phylogenies in conservation: new perspectives
J Rolland, MW Cadotte, J Davies, V Devictor, S Lavergne, N Mouquet, ...
Biology Letters 8 (5), 692-694, 2012
Analyzing Tropical Forest Tree Species Abundance Distributions Using a Nonneutral Model and through Approximate Bayesian Inference
F Jabot, J Chave
The American Naturalist 178 (2), E37-E47, 2011
There's no harm in having too much: A comprehensive toolbox of methods in trophic ecology
N Majdi, N Hette-Tronquart, E Auclair, A Bec, T Chouvelon, B Cognie, ...
Food Webs 17, e00100, 2018
Competitive interactions change the pattern of species co‐occurrences under neutral dispersal
W Ulrich, F Jabot, NJ Gotelli
Oikos 126 (1), 91-100, 2017
Assessing metacommunity processes through signatures in spatiotemporal turnover of community composition
F Jabot, F Laroche, F Massol, F Arthaud, J Crabot, M Dubart, S Blanchet, ...
Ecology letters 23 (9), 1330-1339, 2020
Assessing metacommunity processes through signatures in spatiotemporal turnover of community composition
F Jabot, F Laroche, F Massol, F Arthaud, J Crabot, M Dubart, S Blanchet, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (9), 1330-1339, 2020
Bitrophic interactions shape biodiversity in space
F Jabot, J Bascompte
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (12), 4521-4526, 2012
A latitudinal gradient in tree community assembly processes evidenced in Chinese forests
X Qiao, F Jabot, Z Tang, M Jiang, J Fang
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (3), 314-323, 2015
Applying ecological model evaludation: Lessons learned with the forest dynamics model Samsara2
B Courbaud, V Lafond, G Lagarrigues, G Vieilledent, T Cordonnier, ...
Ecological Modelling 314, 1-14, 2015
Approximate Bayesian computation to recalibrate individual-based models with population data: Illustration with a forest simulation model
G Lagarrigues, F Jabot, V Lafond, B Courbaud
Ecological Modelling 306, 278-286, 2015
Non-destructive biomass estimation of herbaceous plant individuals: A transferable method between contrasted environments
J Pottier, F Jabot
Ecological Indicators 72, 769-776, 2017
A stochastic dispersal-limited trait-based model of community dynamics
F Jabot
Journal of theoretical biology 262 (4), 650-661, 2010
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Articles 1–20