Decline of the North American avifauna KV Rosenberg, AM Dokter, PJ Blancher, JR Sauer, AC Smith, PA Smith, ... Science 366 (6461), 120-124, 2019 | 2138 | 2019 |
Life history and spatial traits predict extinction risk due to climate change RG Pearson, JC Stanton, KT Shoemaker, ME Aiello-Lammens, PJ Ersts, ... Nature Climate Change 4 (3), 217-221, 2014 | 481 | 2014 |
Partners in Flight landbird conservation plan: 2016 revision for Canada and continental United States KV Rosenberg, JA Kennedy, R Dettmers, RP Ford, D Reynolds, ... Partners in Flight Science Committee 119, 2016 | 354 | 2016 |
Combining static and dynamic variables in species distribution models under climate change JC Stanton, RG Pearson, N Horning, P Ersts, H Reşit Akçakaya Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2), 349-357, 2012 | 222 | 2012 |
The Partners in Flight handbook on species assessment Version 2017 AO Panjabi, PJ Blancher, WE Easton, JC Stanton, DW Demarest, ... Partners in Flight, 2017 | 107 | 2017 |
Warning times for species extinctions due to climate change JC Stanton, KT Shoemaker, RG Pearson, HR Akçakaya Global change biology 21 (3), 1066-1077, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
Use of North American Breeding Bird Survey data in avian conservation assessments KV Rosenberg, PJ Blancher, JC Stanton, AO Panjabi The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119 (3), 594-606, 2017 | 59 | 2017 |
Implications of fine-grained habitat fragmentation and road mortality for jaguar conservation in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil L Cullen Jr, JC Stanton, F Lima, A Uezu, MLL Perilli, HR Akçakaya PLoS One 11 (12), e0167372, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Present-day risk assessment would have predicted the extinction of the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) JC Stanton Biological Conservation 180, 11-20, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
Lock operations influence upstream passages of invasive and native fishes at a Mississippi River high-head dam AK Fritts, BC Knights, JC Stanton, AS Milde, JM Vallazza, MK Brey, ... Biological Invasions 23 (3), 771-794, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Demographic and potential biological removal models identify raptor species sensitive to current and future wind energy JE Diffendorfer, JC Stanton, JA Beston, WE Thogmartin, SR Loss, ... Ecosphere 12 (6), e03531, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
Assessing local population vulnerability with branching process models: an application to wind energy development RA Erickson, EA Eager, JC Stanton, JA Beston, JE Diffendorfer, ... Ecosphere 6 (12), 1-14, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Preliminary methodology to assess the national and regional impact of US wind energy development on birds and bats JE Diffendorfer, JA Beston, MD Merrill, JC Stanton, MD Corum, SR Loss, ... Scientific investigations report 5066, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Estimating uncertainty of North American landbird population sizes. JC Stanton, P Blancher, KV Rosenberg, AO Panjabi, WE Thogmartin Avian Conservation & Ecology 14 (1), 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Flexible risk metrics for identifying and monitoring conservation-priority species JC Stanton, BX Semmens, PC McKann, T Will, WE Thogmartin Ecological Indicators 61, 683-692, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Evaluation of an acoustic fish deterrent system in shallow water application at the Emiquon Preserve, Lewistown, IL. JJ Wamboldt, KA Murchy, JC Stanton, KD Blodgett, MK Brey Management of Biological Invasions 10 (3), 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Handbook to the partners in flight population estimates database, Version 3.0 T Will, JC Stanton, KV Rosenberg, AO Panjabi, A Camfield, A Shaw, ... Partners in flight and bird conservancy of the Rockies, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Cooperatively improving tallgrass prairie with adaptive management M Ahlering, D Carlson, S Vacek, S Jacobi, V Hunt, JC Stanton, ... Ecosphere 11 (4), e03095, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
A method to assess the population-level consequences of wind energy facilities on bird and bat species JE Diffendorfer, JA Beston, MD Merrill, JC Stanton, MD Corum, SR Loss, ... Wind Energy and Wildlife Interactions: Presentations from the CWW2015 …, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Recovery planning in a dynamic system: integrating uncertainty into a decision support tool for an endangered songbird. JC Stanton, J Marek, LS Hall, BE Kus, A Alvarado, BK Orr, E Morrissette, ... Ecology & Society 24 (4), 2019 | 7 | 2019 |