Edwin P. Maurer
Edwin P. Maurer
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A long-term hydrologically based dataset of land surface fluxes and states for the conterminous United States
EP Maurer, AW Wood, JC Adam, DP Lettenmaier, B Nijssen
Journal of climate 15 (22), 3237-3251, 2002
Emissions pathways, climate change, and impacts on California
K Hayhoe, D Cayan, CB Field, PC Frumhoff, EP Maurer, NL Miller, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 101 (34), 12422-12427, 2004
Long‐range experimental hydrologic forecasting for the eastern United States
AW Wood, EP Maurer, A Kumar, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D20), ACL 6-1-ACL 6-15, 2002
Climate change scenarios for the California region
DR Cayan, EP Maurer, MD Dettinger, M Tyree, K Hayhoe
Climatic change 87, 21-42, 2008
Fluid Mechanics with Civil Engineering Applications
EJ Finnemore, EP Maurer
McGraw-Hill, 2023
A long-term hydrologically based dataset of land surface fluxes and states for the conterminous United States: Update and extensions
B Livneh, EA Rosenberg, C Lin, B Nijssen, V Mishra, KM Andreadis, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (23), 9384-9392, 2013
Bias correcting climate model simulated daily temperature extremes with quantile mapping
B Thrasher, EP Maurer, C McKellar, PB Duffy
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (9), 3309-3314, 2012
Fine‐resolution climate projections enhance regional climate change impact studies
EP Maurer, L Brekke, T Pruitt, PB Duffy
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 88 (47), 504-504, 2007
Projected climate‐induced faunal change in the Western Hemisphere
JJ Lawler, SL Shafer, D White, P Kareiva, EP Maurer, AR Blaustein, ...
Ecology 90 (3), 588-597, 2009
Utility of daily vs. monthly large-scale climate data: an intercomparison of two statistical downscaling methods
EP Maurer, HG Hidalgo
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12 (2), 551-563, 2008
Uncertainty in hydrologic impacts of climate change in the Sierra Nevada, California, under two emissions scenarios
EP Maurer
Climatic change 82 (3), 309-325, 2007
The utility of daily large-scale climate data in the assessment of climate change impacts on daily streamflow in California
EP Maurer, HG Hidalgo, T Das, MD Dettinger, DR Cayan
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (6), 1125-1138, 2010
Regional climate change projections for the Northeast USA
K Hayhoe, C Wake, B Anderson, XZ Liang, E Maurer, J Zhu, J Bradbury, ...
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13, 425-436, 2008
Improved bias correction techniques for hydrological simulations of climate change
DW Pierce, DR Cayan, EP Maurer, JT Abatzoglou, KC Hegewisch
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (6), 2421-2442, 2015
Evaluation of the snow‐covered area data product from MODIS
EP Maurer, JD Rhoads, RO Dubayah, DP Lettenmaier
Hydrological Processes 17 (1), 59-71, 2003
Applied climate-change analysis: the climate wizard tool
EH Girvetz, C Zganjar, GT Raber, EP Maurer, P Kareiva, JJ Lawler
PLoS One 4 (12), e8320, 2009
Assessing reservoir operations risk under climate change
LD Brekke, EP Maurer, JD Anderson, MD Dettinger, ES Townsley, ...
Water Resources Research 45 (4), 2009
Detection of intensification in global-and continental-scale hydrological cycles: Temporal scale of evaluation
AD Ziegler, J Sheffield, EP Maurer, B Nijssen, EF Wood, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Climate 16 (3), 535-547, 2003
Probabilistic estimates of future changes in California temperature and precipitation using statistical and dynamical downscaling
DW Pierce, T Das, DR Cayan, EP Maurer, NL Miller, Y Bao, M Kanamitsu, ...
Climate Dynamics 40, 839-856, 2013
The Sensitivity of California Water Resources to Climate Change Scenarios1
S Vicuna, EP Maurer, B Joyce, JA Dracup, D Purkey
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43 (2), 482-498, 2007
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Articles 1–20