Lauren McPhillips
Lauren McPhillips
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
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Cited by
Defining extreme events: a cross‐disciplinary review
LE McPhillips, H Chang, MV Chester, Y Depietri, E Friedman, NB Grimm, ...
Earth's Future 6 (3), 441-455, 2018
Pluvial flood risk and opportunities for resilience
BR Rosenzweig, L McPhillips, H Chang, C Cheng, C Welty, M Matsler, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 5 (6), e1302, 2018
Hydrogeomorphology of the hyporheic zone: Stream solute and fine particle interactions with a dynamic streambed
JW Harvey, JD Drummond, RL Martin, LE McPhillips, AI Packman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117 (G4), 2012
Best management practices for diffuse nutrient pollution: Wicked problems across urban and agricultural watersheds
A Lintern, L McPhillips, B Winfrey, J Duncan, C Grady
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (15), 9159-9174, 2020
A social-ecological-technological systems framework for urban ecosystem services
T McPhearson, EM Cook, M Berbés-Blázquez, C Cheng, NB Grimm, ...
One Earth 5 (5), 505-518, 2022
Temporal evolution of green stormwater infrastructure strategies in three US cities
LE McPhillips, AM Matsler
Frontiers in built environment 4, 26, 2018
Infrastructures as socio-eco-technical systems: Five considerations for interdisciplinary dialogue
ZJ Grabowski, AM Matsler, C Thiel, L McPhillips, R Hum, A Bradshaw, ...
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (4), 02517002, 2017
Developing knowledge systems for urban resilience to cloudburst rain events
B Rosenzweig, BL Ruddell, L McPhillips, R Hobbins, T McPhearson, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 99, 150-159, 2019
Hydrologic conditions drive denitrification and greenhouse gas emissions in stormwater detention basins
L McPhillips, MT Walter
Ecological Engineering 85, 67-75, 2015
Thresholds of flow‐induced bed disturbances and their effects on stream metabolism in an agricultural river
BL O'Connor, JW Harvey, LE McPhillips
Water Resources Research 48 (8), 2012
The role of denitrification in stormwater detention basin treatment of nitrogen
NR Morse, LE McPhillips, JP Shapleigh, MT Walter
Environmental science & technology 51 (14), 7928-7935, 2017
Spatial analysis of landscape and sociodemographic factors associated with green stormwater infrastructure distribution in Baltimore, Maryland and Portland, Oregon
A Baker, E Brenneman, H Chang, L McPhillips, M Matsler
Science of the Total Environment 664, 461-473, 2019
Nutrient leaching and greenhouse gas emissions in grassed detention and bioretention stormwater basins
L McPhillips, C Goodale, MT Walter
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 4 (1), 04017014, 2018
Assessing dissolved methane patterns in central New York groundwater
LE McPhillips, AE Creamer, BG Rahm, MT Walter
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 1, 57-73, 2014
What is the role of green stormwater infrastructure in managing extreme precipitation events?
LE McPhillips, M Matsler, BR Rosenzweig, Y Kim
Sustainable and resilient infrastructure 6 (3-4), 133-142, 2021
Nutrient cycling in grassed roadside ditches and lawns in a suburban watershed
LE McPhillips, PM Groffman, RL Schneider, MT Walter
Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (6), 1901-1909, 2016
Urbanization in arid central Arizona watersheds results in decreased stream flashiness
LE McPhillips, SR Earl, RL Hale, NB Grimm
Water Resources Research 55 (11), 9436-9453, 2019
Exploring the application of topographic indices in urban areas as indicators of pluvial flooding locations
C Kelleher, L McPhillips
Hydrological processes 34 (3), 780-794, 2020
Hydrologic and biogeochemical drivers of riparian denitrification in an agricultural watershed
LE McPhillips, PM Groffman, CL Goodale, MT Walter
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, 1-17, 2015
Field flume reveals aquatic vegetation's role in sediment and particulate phosphorus transport in a shallow aquatic ecosystem
JW Harvey, GB Noe, LG Larsen, DJ Nowacki, LE McPhillips
Geomorphology 126 (3-4), 297-313, 2011
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Articles 1–20