George Papafotiou
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Cited by
Model predictive direct torque control—Part I: Concept, algorithm, and analysis
T Geyer, G Papafotiou, M Morari
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 56 (6), 1894-1905, 2008
Model predictive direct torque control—Part II: Implementation and experimental evaluation
G Papafotiou, J Kley, KG Papadopoulos, P Bohren, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 56 (6), 1906-1915, 2008
Comparison of hybrid control techniques for buck and boost DC-DC converters
S Mariéthoz, S Almér, M Bâja, AG Beccuti, D Patino, A Wernrud, J Buisson, ...
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 18 (5), 1126-1145, 2009
Hybrid model predictive control of the step-down DC–DC converter
T Geyer, G Papafotiou, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 16 (6), 1112-1124, 2008
Model predictive pulse pattern control
T Geyer, N Oikonomou, G Papafotiou, FD Kieferndorf
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 48 (2), 663-676, 2011
Constrained optimal control of the step-down dc–dc converter
T Geyer, G Papafotiou, R Frasca, M Morari
IEEE transactions on power electronics 23 (5), 2454-2464, 2008
Optimal control of the boost dc-dc converter
AG Beccuti, G Papafotiou, M Morari
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4457-4462, 2005
Model predictive control in power electronics: A hybrid systems approach
T Geyer, G Papafotiou, M Morari
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5606-5611, 2005
On the optimal control of switch-mode dc-dc converters
T Geyer, G Papafotiou, M Morari
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 7th International Workshop, HSCC …, 2004
Technology readiness assessment of model predictive control in medium-and high-voltage power electronics
GA Papafotiou, GD Demetriades, VG Agelidis
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (9), 5807-5815, 2016
Model predictive direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motors
T Geyer, GA Beccuti, G Papafotiou, M Morari
2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 199-206, 2010
Model predictive torque control of a switched reluctance motor
H Peyrl, G Papafotiou, M Morari
2009 IEEE international conference on industrial technology, 1-6, 2009
Hybrid modelling and optimal control of switch-mode dc-dc converters
G Papafotiou, T Geyer, M Morari
2004 IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Explicit hybrid model predictive control of the dc-dcBoost converter
AG Beccuti, G Papafotiou, R Frasca, M Morari
2007 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2503-2509, 2007
A decentralized explicit predictive control paradigm for parallelized DC-DC circuits
AG Beccuti, M Kvasnica, G Papafotiou, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (1), 136-148, 2012
Optimal direct torque control of three-phase symmetric induction motors
G Papafotiou, T Geyer, M Morari
2004 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)(IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
A hybrid model predictive control approach to the direct torque control problem of induction motors
G Papafotiou, T Geyer, M Morari
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2007
Hybrid control techniques for switched-mode DC-DC converters Part I: The step-down topology
S Almér, H Fujioka, U Jonsson, CY Kao, D Patino, P Riedinger, T Geyer, ...
2007 American Control Conference, 5450-5457, 2007
Application of model predictive control to a cascade of river power plants
C Setz, A Heinrich, P Rostalski, G Papafotiou, M Morari
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 11978-11983, 2008
Supervisory water level control for cascaded river power plants
G Glanzmann, M von Siebenthal, T Geyer, G Papafotiou, M Morari
Proceedings of the Hydropower Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 2005
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Articles 1–20