Ricardo Parreira da Silva
Ricardo Parreira da Silva
Professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Brasilia
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Cited by
Semilinear parabolic problems in thin domains with a highly oscillatory boundary
JM Arrieta, AN Carvalho, MC Pereira, RP Silva
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 74 (15), 5111-5132, 2011
Lower bounds on blow up solutions of the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations in homogeneous Sobolev spaces
JC Robinson, W Sadowski, RP Silva
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (11), 2012
Error estimates for a Neumann problem in highly oscillating thin domains
MC Pereira, RP da Silva
arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.0315, 2011
Remarks on the p-Laplacian on thin domains
MC Pereira, RP Silva
Contributions to Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Systems: A Tribute to …, 2015
Behavior of the p‐Laplacian on Thin Domains
RP Silva
International Journal of Differential Equations 2013 (1), 210270, 2013
Pullback attractors for a singularly nonautonomous plate equation
VL Carbone, MJD Nascimento, K Schiabel-Silva, RP da Silva
arXiv preprint arXiv:1012.4749, 2010
Correctors for the Neumann problem in thin domains with locally periodic oscillatory structure
M Pereira, R Silva
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 73 (3), 537-552, 2015
Perturbation of a nonautonomous problem in
E Capelato, K Schiabel‐Silva, RP Silva
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 36 (12), 1625-1630, 2013
A note on resolvent convergence on a thin domain
RP Silva
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 89 (1), 141-148, 2014
Global attractors for quasilinear parabolic equations on unbounded thin domains
RP Silva
Monatshefte für Mathematik 180 (3), 649-660, 2016
Semicontinuidade inferior de atratores para problemas parabólicos em domínios finos
RP Silva
Universidade de São Paulo, 2007
Upper semicontinuity of global attractors for quasilinear parabolic equations on unbounded thin domains
RP Silva
São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 9 (2), 251-262, 2015
Reaction-diffusion equations in a noncylindrical thin domain
JV Pereira, RP Silva
Boundary Value Problems 2013, 1-10, 2013
Lower semicontinuity of pullback attractors for a singularly nonautonomous plate equation
RP Da Silva
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 8, 2012
Rates of convergence for a homogenization problem in highly oscillating thin domains
MC Pereira, RP Silva
Proceeding of Dynamic Systems and Applications 6, 337-340, 2012
Semicontinuidade Inferior de Atratores para Problemas Parabólicos em Domınios Finos
RP da Silva
Global mild solutions for a nonautonomous 2D Navier–Stokes equations with impulses at variable times
EM Bonotto, JG Mesquita, RP Silva
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 20, 801-818, 2018
Error estimates and homogenization for a Neumann problem in highly oscillating thin domains
MC Pereira, RP SILVA
preprint, 2011
Non-dissipative system as limit of a dissipative one: comparison of the asymptotic regimes
RP da Silva
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series 51 (1), 125-137, 2020
Anais do XII ENAMA
CA Santos, EA Barros, G Figueiredo, JG Mesquita, LA Maia, LH Miranda, ...
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