Marcin Lew
Marcin Lew
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Citované v
Laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy in dogs--report of 15 cases
M Lew, M Jałyński, A Kasprowicz, W Brzeski
Pol J Vet Sci 8 (3), 251-4, 2005
Impact of pesticide contamination on aquatic microorganism populations in the littoral zone
S Lew, M Lew, A Biedunkiewicz, J Szarek
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 64, 399-409, 2013
The effects of environmental parameters on the microbial activity in peat-bog lakes
S Lew, K Glińska-Lewczuk, M Lew
PLoS One 14 (10), e0224441, 2019
Seasonal changes of microbial communities in two shallow peat bog lakes
S Lew, M Koblížek, M Lew, H Medová, K Glińska-Lewczuk, PM Owsianny
Folia microbiologica 60, 165-175, 2015
Selected fluorescent techniques for identification of the physiological state of individual water and soil bacterial cells — review
S Lew, M Lew, T Mieszczyński, J Szarek
Folia Microbiologica 55, 107-118, 2010
Effect of pesticides on soil and aquatic environmental microorganisms—a short review
S Lew, M Lew, J Szarek, T Mieszczynski
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 18 (8), 1390-1395, 2009
Impact of environmental factors on bacterial communities in floodplain lakes differed by hydrological connectivity
S Lew, K Glińska-Lewczuk, P Burandt, K Obolewski, A Goździejewska, ...
Limnologica 58, 20-29, 2016
Laparoscopic removal of gastric foreign bodies in dogs-comparison of manual suturing and stapling viscerosynthesis
M Lew, M Jałynski, W Brzeski
Pol J Vet Sci 8 (2), 147-153, 2005
Electroretinography in dogs: a review
M Drazek, M Lew, S Lew, A Pomianowski
Veterinární medicína 59 (11), 515-526, 2014
Influence of selected environmental factors on the abundance of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in peat-bog lakes
S Lew, M Lew, M Koblížek
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 13853-13863, 2016
Seasonal patterns of the bacterioplankton community composition in a lake threatened by a pesticide disposal site
S Lew, M Lew, J Szarek, I Babińska
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18, 376-385, 2011
Equine ocular squamous cell carcinoma: a case report.
M Drazek, M Lew, S Lew, J Szarek, I Balicki, L Salda
Veterinární medicína 60 (7), 2015
Penetrating eye injury in a dog: a case report.
M Lew, S Lew, M Drazek, A Pomianowski
Veterinarni medicina 60 (4), 2015
Upper eyelid and medial canthus reconstructive surgery after histiocytoma resection in a dog: a case report
M Lew, S Lew, A Rozicka
Veterinární medicína 55 (3), 137-143, 2010
The effect of propofol on acid-base balance and ionic composition of venous and arterial blood in goats.
P Sobiech, M Lew, S Lew, A Stopyra
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 8 (4), 295-300, 2005
Laparoscope-guided renal biopsy in dogs.
M Lew, M Nowicki, M Jałyński, A Rychlik
Short-term results of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation in the surgical treatment of angle-recession glaucoma in dog.
M Lew, S Lew, W Brzeski
Polish journal of veterinary sciences 11 (4), 377-383, 2008
Combined iridencleisis and posterior sclerectomy in surgical treatment of glaucoma secondary to uveitis in a dog: a case report
M Lew, S Lew
Veterinární medicína 54 (3), 142-148, 2009
Laparoskopowa biopsja nerek u psów
M Nowicki, M Lew
Magazyn Weterynaryjny 10 (10), 13-14, 2001
Can liquorice extract and herbal solution prevent colonic mucosa damage caused by robenacoxib in dogs?
M Szweda, J Szarek, M Lew, A Szarek-Beska, D Gulda
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 18 (4), 2015
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