Tomaz Skrbinsek
Citované v
Citované v
Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes
G Chapron, P Kaczensky, JDC Linnell, M Von Arx, D Huber, H Andrén, ...
science 346 (6216), 1517-1519, 2014
Wolf population genetics in E urope: a systematic review, meta‐analysis and suggestions for conservation and management
M Hindrikson, J Remm, M Pilot, R Godinho, AV Stronen, L Baltrūnaité, ...
Biological Reviews 92 (3), 1601-1629, 2017
Border security fencing and wildlife: the end of the transboundary paradigm in Eurasia?
JDC Linnell, A Trouwborst, L Boitani, P Kaczensky, D Huber, S Reljic, ...
PLoS biology 14 (6), e1002483, 2016
Partial genomic survival of cave bears in living brown bears
A Barlow, JA Cahill, S Hartmann, C Theunert, G Xenikoudakis, GG Fortes, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (10), 1563-1570, 2018
Decades of population genetic research reveal the need for harmonization of molecular markers: the grey wolf Canis lupus as a case study
GA De Groot, C Nowak, T Skrbinšek, LW Andersen, J Aspi, L Fumagalli, ...
Mammal Review 46 (1), 44-59, 2016
Genetic data confirm critical status of the reintroduced Dinaric population of Eurasian lynx
M Sindičić, P Polanc, T Gomerčić, M Jelenčič, Đ Huber, P Trontelj, ...
Conservation genetics 14, 1009-1018, 2013
Monitoring the effective population size of a brown bear (Ursus arctos) population using new single‐sample approaches
T Skrbinšek, M Jelenčič, L Waits, I Kos, K Jerina, P Trontelj
Molecular Ecology 21 (4), 862-875, 2012
Range and local population densities of brown bear Ursus arctos in Slovenia
K Jerina, M Jonozovič, M Krofel, T Skrbinšek
European Journal of Wildlife Research 59, 459-467, 2013
Use of GPS location clusters analysis to study predation, feeding, and maternal behavior of the Eurasian lynx
M Krofel, T Skrbinšek, I Kos
Ecological Research, 2012
New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilization between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation
EJ Milner-Gulland, B Arroyo, C Bellard, J Blanchard, N Bunnefeld, ...
Biology letters 6 (6), 719-722, 2010
European agreements for nature conservation need to explicitly address wolf-dog hybridisation
V Salvatori, V Donfrancesco, A Trouwborst, L Boitani, JDC Linnell, ...
Biological Conservation 248, 108525, 2020
Using a reference population yardstick to calibrate and compare genetic diversity reported in different studies: an example from the brown bear
T Skrbinšek, M Jelenčič, LP Waits, H Potočnik, I Kos, P Trontelj
Heredity 109 (5), 299-305, 2012
Combining phylogenetic and demographic inferences to assess the origin of the genetic diversity in an isolated wolf population
L Montana, R Caniglia, M Galaverni, E Fabbri, A Ahmed, BČ Bolfíková, ...
PloS one 12 (5), e0176560, 2017
Illegal killings may hamper brown bear recovery in the Eastern Alps
P Kaczensky, K Jerina, M Jonozovič, M Krofel, T Skrbinšek, G Rauer, ...
Ursus 22 (1), 37-46, 2011
Shaping species conservation strategies using mtDNA analysis: The case of the elusive Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
AA Karamanlidis, S Gaughran, A Aguilar, P Dendrinos, D Huber, R Pires, ...
Biological Conservation 193, 71-79, 2016
Highly efficient multiplex PCR of noninvasive DNA does not require pre‐amplification
T Skrbinšek, M Jelenčič, L Waits, I Kos, P Trontelj
Molecular Ecology Resources 10 (3), 495-501, 2010
Genome-wide diversity loss in reintroduced Eurasian lynx populations urges immediate conservation management
SA Mueller, S Prost, O Anders, C Breitenmoser-Würsten, O Kleven, ...
Biological Conservation 266, 109442, 2022
All carnivores are not equal in the rural people's view. Should we develop conservation plans for functional guilds or individual species in the face of conflicts?
A Trajçe, G Ivanov, E Keçi, A Majić, D Melovski, K Mersini, S Mustafa, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 19, e00677, 2019
From science to practice: Genetic estimate of brown bear population size in Slovenia and how it influenced bear management
T Skrbinšek, R Luštrik, A Majić-Skrbinšek, H Potočnik, F Kljun, M Jelenčič, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 65, 1-15, 2019
Using video surveillance to monitor feeding behaviour and kleptoparasitism at Eurasian lynx kill sites
M Krofel, T Skrbinšek, M Mohorović
Folia Zoologica 68 (4), 274-284, 2019
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