Paula Carolina Ugalde
Paula Carolina Ugalde
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Late Pleistocene human occupation of the hyperarid core in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile
C Latorre, CM Santoro, PC Ugalde, EM Gayo, D Osorio, C Salas-Egaña, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 77, 19-30, 2013
Continuities and discontinuities in the socio-environmental systems of the Atacama Desert during the last 13,000 years
CM Santoro, JM Capriles, EM Gayo, ME De Porras, A Maldonado, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 46, 28-39, 2017
Ocupación humana pleistocénica en el desierto de Atacama: primeros resultados de la aplicación de un modelo predictivo de investigación interdisciplinaria
CM Santoro, PC Ugalde, C Latorre, C Salas, D Osorio, D Jackson, E Gayó
Chungará (Arica) 43 (ESPECIAL), 353-366, 2011
Early Holocene climate change and human occupation along the semiarid coast of north‐central Chile
A Maldonado, C Méndez, P Ugalde, D Jackson, R Seguel, C Latorre
Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (6), 985-988, 2010
Hakenasa Cave and its relevance for the peopling of the southern Andean Altiplano
D Osorio, D Jackson, PC Ugalde, C Latorre, R De Pol-Holz, CM Santoro
Antiquity 85 (330), 1194-1208, 2011
The Dry Puna as an ecological megapatch and the peopling of South America: Technology, mobility, and the development of a late Pleistocene/early Holocene Andean hunter-gatherer …
D Osorio, J Steele, M Sepúlveda, EM Gayo, JM Capriles, K Herrera, ...
Quaternary International 461, 41-53, 2017
Hunter-gatherer mobility strategies in the high Andes of Northern Chile during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene transition (ca. 11,500–9500 CAL BP)
D Osorio, JM Capriles, PC Ugalde, KA Herrera, M Sepúlveda, EM Gayo, ...
Journal of Field Archaeology 42 (3), 228-240, 2017
13,000 years of sociocultural plant use in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile
PC Ugalde, V McRostie, EM Gayo, M García, C Latorre, CM Santoro
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 30, 213-230, 2021
How do surficial lithic assemblages weather in arid environments? A case study from the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
PC Ugalde, CM Santoro, EM Gayo, C Latorre, S Maldonado, ...
Geoarchaeology 30 (4), 352-368, 2015
Late Pleistocene fuel management and human colonization of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile
D Joly, CM Santoro, EM Gayo, PC Ugalde, RJ March, R Carmona, ...
Latin American Antiquity 28 (1), 144-160, 2017
Cazadores, recolectores y pescadores arcaicos del Desierto de Atacama. entre el Pacífico y los Andes, norte de Chile (ca. 10.000–3.700 años ap)
C Santoro, D Osorio, P Ugalde, M Sepúlveda, I Cartajena, V Standen, ...
Prehistoria: Culturas de Chile, 117-180, 2016
Análisis tecno-tipológico de instrumentos líticos del sitio Arcaico Temprano Ipilla 2 en los Andes de Arica, Chile
KA Herrera, PC Ugalde, D Osorio, JM Capriles, S Hocsman, CM Santoro
Chungará (Arica) 47 (1), 41-52, 2015
Landscape evolution and the environmental context of human occupation of the southern pampa del tamarugal, Atacama Desert, Chile
TR Workman, JA Rech, EM Gayó, CM Santoro, PC Ugalde, R De Pol-Holz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 243, 106502, 2020
CM Santoro, EM Gayo, JM Capriles, MM Rivadeneira, KA Herrera, ...
Chungara: Revista de Antropología Chilena 51 (1), 5-26, 2019
Ocupaciones humanas tempranas y condiciones paleoambientales en el Desierto de Atacama durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno
CM Santoro, D Osorio, VG Standen, PC Ugalde, K Herrera, EM Gayó, ...
Boletín de arqueología PUCP, 295-314, 2011
Processes of Paleoindian site and desert pavement formation in the Atacama Desert, Chile
PC Ugalde, J Quade, CM Santoro, VT Holliday
Quaternary Research 98, 58-80, 2020
From the Pacific coast to the tropical forests: late Pleistocene networks of interaction in Pampa del Tamarugal, northern Chile Atacama Desert
CM Santoro, EM Gayo, JM Capriles, MM Rivadeneira, KA Herrera, ...
Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena 51, 5-25, 2019
Poblamiento temprano del norte de Chile (18–25° s): estudio interdisciplinario arqueológico y paleoambiental
PC Ugalde, C Salas, C Latorre, D Osorio, D Jackson, CM Santoro
Actas XVIII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, 197-206, 2012
Salas-Ega na
C Latorre, CM Santoro, PC Ugalde, EM Gayo, D Osorio
C., De Pol-Holz, R., Joly, D., Rech, JA, 2013
Evaluaci ón de meteorizaciones diferenciales en instrumentos lıticos de sitios superficiales del área quebrada de Chacarilla, Región de Tarapacá, Chile
P Ugalde
Unpublished thesis memoir, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. http://www …, 2009
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