Md Khurshidul Azad
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Cited by
Clustering seismocardiographic events using unsupervised machine learning
PT Gamage, MK Azad, A Taebi, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
2018 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 1-5, 2018
Geometric features of pig airways using computed tomography
MK Azad, HA Mansy, PT Gamage
Physiological Reports 4 (20), e12995, 2016
Modeling inspiratory flow in a porcine lung airway
PPT Gamage, F Khalili, MD Khurshidul Azad, HA Mansy
Journal of biomechanical engineering 140 (6), 061003, 2018
Clustering of SCG Events Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
PT Gamage, MK Azad, A Taebi, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology, 205-233, 2020
Seismocardiographic signal variability during regular breathing and breath hold in healthy adults
MK Azad, PT Gamage, RH Sandler, N Raval, HA Mansy
2019 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 1-7, 2019
Generation of pig airways using rules developed from the measurements of physical airways
MK Azad, HA Mansy
Journal of bioengineering & biomedical science 6 (4), 2016
Minimizing seismocardiography variability by accounting for respiratory effects
RH Sandler, K Azad, B Rahman, A Taebi, P Gamage, N Raval, RJ Mentz, ...
Journal of Cardiac Failure 25 (8), S185, 2019
Investigating the geometry of pig airways using computed tomography
HA Mansy, MK Azad, B McMurray, B Henry, TJ Royston, RH Sandler
Medical Imaging 2015: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and …, 2015
Potential SCG predictors of heart failure readmission
R Sandler, P Gamage, MK Azad, R Dhar, N Raval, R Mentz, H Mansy
Journal of cardiac failure 26 (10), S87, 2020
Modeling Seismocardiographic signal using finite element Modeling and medical image processing
PT Gamage, MK Azad, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
2019 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 1-4, 2019
Detection of respiratory phase and rate from chest surface measurements
MK Azad, PT Gamage, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering 5 (6), 359‒362, 2018
Monitoring Intracranial Pressure Using Non-Invasive Brain Stethoscope
MK Azad, A Spiewak, RH Sandler, K Manwaring, P Manwaring, ...
SoutheastCon 2018, 2018
Respiratory Phase Detection From Seismocardiographic Signals Using Machine Learning
RH Sandler, T Hassan, MK Azad, B Rahman, N Raval, R Mentz, H Mansy
Journal of Cardiac Failure 28 (5), S75-S76, 2022
Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology
PT Gamage, MK Azad, A Taebi, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
Springer, 2020
Modeling Inspiratory Flow in a Porcine Lung Airway
PG Thibotuwawa, F Khalili, M Azad, H Mansy
J Biomech Eng, 2017
Spatial distribution of seismocardiographic signals
MK Azad, J D’Angelo, PT Gamage, S Ismail, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
Biomedical signal processing: Innovation and applications, 129-159, 2021
Seismocardiographic signal variability and pulmonary phase detection in adults
MK Azad
Documenting spatial variation of SCG signals for optimal sensor placement
RH Sandler, MK Azad, J D'Angelo, P Gamage, NY Raval, RJ Mentz, ...
Journal of Cardiac Failure 26 (10), S92, 2020
Comparison Of Two Different Methods For Clustering SCG Signals
RH Sandler, S Ahdy, MK Azad, N Raval, R Mentz, H Mansy
Journal of Cardiac Failure 29 (4), 597, 2023
Postural and longitudinal variability in seismocardiographic signals
MK Azad, PT Gamage, R Dhar, RH Sandler, HA Mansy
Physiological Measurement 44 (2), 025001, 2023
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Articles 1–20