Michael D. Sohn
Michael D. Sohn
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Demand response for ancillary services
O Ma, N Alkadi, P Cappers, P Denholm, J Dudley, S Goli, M Hummon, ...
IEEE transactions on smart grid 4 (4), 1988-1995, 2013
Energy efficient building environment control strategies using real-time occupancy measurements
VL Erickson, Y Lin, A Kamthe, R Brahme, A Surana, AE Cerpa, MD Sohn, ...
Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on embedded sensing systems for energy …, 2009
Analyzing a database of residential air leakage in the United States
WR Chan, WW Nazaroff, PN Price, MD Sohn, AJ Gadgil
Atmospheric Environment 39 (19), 3445-3455, 2005
Big-data for building energy performance: Lessons from assembling a very large national database of building energy use
PA Mathew, LN Dunn, MD Sohn, A Mercado, C Custudio, T Walter
Applied Energy 140, 85-93, 2015
Building energy simulation coupled with CFD for indoor environment: A critical review and recent applications
W Tian, X Han, W Zuo, MD Sohn
Energy and Buildings 165, 184-199, 2018
Robust on-line fault detection diagnosis for HVAC components based on nonlinear state estimation techniques
M Bonvini, MD Sohn, J Granderson, M Wetter, MA Piette
Applied Energy 124, 156-166, 2014
Rapidly locating and characterizing pollutant releases in buildings
MD Sohn, P Reynolds, N Singh, AJ Gadgil
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 52 (12), 1422-1432, 2002
Amelioration of the cooling load based chiller sequencing control
S Huang, W Zuo, MD Sohn
Applied Energy 168, 204-215, 2016
Accuracy of automated measurement and verification (M&V) techniques for energy savings in commercial buildings
J Granderson, S Touzani, C Custodio, MD Sohn, D Jump, S Fernandes
Applied Energy 173, 296-308, 2016
A regression-based approach to estimating retrofit savings using the Building Performance Database
T Walter, MD Sohn
Applied energy 179, 996-1005, 2016
Application of machine learning in the fault diagnostics of air handling units
M Najafi, DM Auslander, PL Bartlett, P Haves, MD Sohn
Applied Energy 96, 347-358, 2012
Uncertainty estimation improves energy measurement and verification procedures
T Walter, PN Price, MD Sohn
Applied Energy 130, 230-236, 2014
Experience curve development and cost reduction disaggregation for fuel cell markets in Japan and the US
M Wei, SJ Smith, MD Sohn
Applied Energy 191, 346-357, 2017
Improved cooling tower control of legacy chiller plants by optimizing the condenser water set point
S Huang, W Zuo, MD Sohn
Building and Environment 111, 33-46, 2017
Reducing uncertainty in site characterization using Bayes Monte Carlo methods
MD Sohn, MJ Small, M Pantazidou
Journal of environmental engineering 126 (10), 893-902, 2000
Grid integration of aggregated demand response, part 1: load availability profiles and constraints for the western interconnection
DJ Olsen
A review of air exchange rate models for air pollution exposure assessments
MS Breen, BD Schultz, MD Sohn, T Long, J Langstaff, R Williams, ...
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 24 (6), 555-563, 2014
Improving the estimated cost of sustained power interruptions to electricity customers
KH LaCommare, JH Eto, LN Dunn, MD Sohn
Energy 153, 1038-1047, 2018
An integrated assessment of water-energy and climate change in Sacramento, California: how strong is the nexus?
LL Dale, N Karali, D Millstein, M Carnall, S Vicuña, N Borchers, E Bustos, ...
Climatic Change 132, 223-235, 2015
Grid integration of aggregated demand response, part 2: modeling demand response in a production cost model
M Hummon, D Palchak, P Denholm, J Jorgenson, DJ Olsen, S Kiliccote, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2013
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