Francesc Font
Cited by
Cited by
Binder migration during drying of lithium-ion battery electrodes: modelling and comparison to experiment
F Font, B Protas, G Richardson, JM Foster
Journal of Power Sources 393 (31), 177–185, 2018
Spherically symmetric nanoparticle melting with a variable phase change temperature
F Font, TG Myers
Journal of nanoparticle research 15, 1-13, 2013
A one-phase Stefan problem with size-dependent thermal conductivity
F Font
Applied Mathematical Modelling 63, 172-178, 2018
A mathematical model for nanoparticle melting with density change
F Font, TG Myers, SL Mitchell
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18, 233-243, 2015
Mathematical modelling of carbon capture in a packed column by adsorption
TG Myers, F Font, MG Hennessy
Applied Energy 278, 115565, 2020
How cortical waves drive fission of motile cells
S Flemming, F Font, S Alonso, C Beta
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (12), 6330-6338, 2020
Noncharacteristic half-lives in radioactive decay
A Corral, F Font, J Camacho
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (6 …, 2011
One-dimensional solidification of supercooled melts
F Font, SL Mitchell, TG Myers
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 62, 411-421, 2013
Mass transfer from a fluid flowing through a porous media
TG Myers, F Font
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163, 120374, 2020
Modeling cell crawling strategies with a bistable model: From amoeboid to fan-shaped cell motion
E Moreno, S Flemming, F Font, M Holschneider, C Beta, S Alonso
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 412, 132591, 2020
Substrate melting during laser heating of nanoscale metal films
F Font, S Afkhami, L Kondic
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 113, 237-245, 2017
Energy conservation in the one-phase supercooled Stefan problem
TG Myers, SL Mitchell, F Font
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (10), 1522-1525, 2012
On the one-phase reduction of the Stefan problem with a variable phase change temperature
TG Myers, F Font
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 37-41, 2015
Transient melting at the nanoscale: a continuum heat transfer and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics approach
F Font, F Bresme
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (30), 17481–17489, 2018
Magnetic nanodrug delivery in non-Newtonian blood flows
C Fanelli, K Kaouri, TN Phillips, TG Myers, F Font
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 26 (74), 1-15, 2021
Beyond the classical Stefan problem
F Font Martínez
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014
Solution method for the time‐fractional hyperbolic heat equation
I Dassios, F Font
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 1-12, 2020
Modelling mass transfer from a packed bed by fluid extraction
TG Myers, A Valverde, M Aguareles, M Calvo-Schwarzwalder, F Font
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 188, 122562, 2022
Modelling nanocrystal growth via the precipitation method
C Fanelli, V Cregan, F Font, TG Myers
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 165 (A), 120643, 2019
Continuum mathematics at the nanoscale
TG Myers, MM MacDevette, F Font, V Cregan
Journal of Mathematics in Industry 4, 1-13, 2014
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Articles 1–20