Christophe Delaere
Citované v
Citované v
Underwater ritual offerings in the Island of the Sun and the formation of the Tiwanaku state
C Delaere, JM Capriles, C Stanish
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (17), 8233-8238, 2019
Reconstructing two millennia of copper and silver metallurgy in the Lake Titicaca region (Bolivia/Peru) using trace metals and lead isotopic composition
S Guédron, J Tolu, C Delaere, P Sabatier, J Barre, C Heredia, E Brisset, ...
Anthropocene 34, 100288, 2021
Holocene variations in Lake Titicaca water level and their implications for sociopolitical developments in the central Andes
S Guédron, C Delaere, SC Fritz, J Tolu, P Sabatier, AL Devel, C Heredia, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (2), e2215882120, 2023
The location of Lake Titicaca’s coastal area during the Tiwanaku and Inca periods: Methodology and strategies of underwater archaeology
C Delaere
Journal of Maritime Archaeology 12, 223-238, 2017
Le patrimoine subaquatique du lac Titicaca, Bolivie
C Delaere
BAR publishing, 2020
The context and meaning of an intact Inca underwater offering from Lake Titicaca
C Delaere, JM Capriles
Antiquity 94 (376), 1030-1041, 2020
The altitude of the depths: use of inland water archaeology for the reconstruction of inundated cultural landscapes in Lake Titicaca
C Delaere, S Guédron
World Archaeology 54 (1), 67-83, 2022
The watery way to the world of the dead: underwater excavations (old and new) at the cave of Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium
C Delaere, E Warmenbol
Between Worlds: Understanding ritual cave use in later prehistory, 137-161, 2019
Les nouvelles fouilles subaquatiques aux grottes de Han (Rochefort, prov. de Namur, Belgique). Etude d’une fibule de La Tène B 1 et de son contexte
C Delaere, E Warmenbol
Lunula, 159-165, 2018
Les Celtes au bord de l'eau à la résurgence de la Lesse: nouvelles découvertes aux Grottes de Han
C Delaere, C Ansieau
Archéo-Situla 38, 11-18, 2018
Archéologie des rivières: un demi-siècle de recherches dans le lit de la Lesse à la résurgence des grottes de Han, Belgique (1963-2013)
C Delaere
Archéologie des lacs et des rivières: Histoire, techniques et apports en …, 2017
Rochefort/Han-sur-Lesse: reprise de la recherche subaquatique à la sortie de la grotte
C Ansieau, C Delaere, M Jasinski
Chronique de l'Archéologie wallonne, 288-290, 2014
Navigation, dynamiques de peuplement et mutations du paysage lacustre au lac Titicaca durant les périodes préhispaniques (500-1532 PCN)
C Delaere
Annales d’Histoire de l’Art & d’Archéologie 41, 7-28, 2019
Rochefort/Han-sur-Lesse: fouilles subaquatiques au Trou de Han, résultats des campagnes 2012-2014
C Ansieau, C Delaere, M Jasinski
Chronique de l'Archéologie wallonne 23, 324-327, 2015
The hydraulic network of the pre-Hispanic city of Tiwanaku (Bolivia): New insights from the integration of canal morphology, hydrogeological and palaeoenvironmental data
MA Vella, G Bièvre, C Delaere, J Thiesson, R Guérin, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 324, 108475, 2024
Interactions between past societies and environmental change in the Lake Titicaca region (tropical Andes)
C Delaere, S Guédron, SC Fritz
Past Global Changes Magazine 31, 18-19, 2023
El contexto y significado de una ofrenda Inca subacuática intacta del lago Titicaca
C Delaere, JM Capriles
Chachapuma 10, 20-26, 2021
Reconstructing two millennia of copper and silver metallurgy in the Lake Titicaca region (Bolivia/Peru) using trace metals and lead isotopic composition. Anthropocene. 2021; 34 …
S Guédron, J Tolu, C Delaere, P Sabatier, J Barre, C Heredia, E Brisset, ...
Underwater Cultural Heritage in Belgium: Recent Developments 2012-2019
M Pieters, C Delaere
Heritage under Water at Risk, 46-49, 2020
Rapport d’activités, saisons 2015-2016, chantier du lieu-dit du" Trou de Han", Han-sur-Lesse, Rochefort (ROC/15-16/TDH)
C Delaere, C Ansieau
Service public de Wallonie (SPW DG04), département du Patrimoine, 2017
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