Julien Terraube
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Cited by
Diet specialisation and foraging efficiency under fluctuating vole abundance: a comparison between generalist and specialist avian predators
J Terraube, B Arroyo, M Madders, F Mougeot
Oikos 120 (2), 234-244, 2011
Forest edges have high conservation value for bird communities in mosaic landscapes
J Terraube, F Archaux, M Deconchat, I Van Halder, H Jactel, L Barbaro
Ecology and evolution 6 (15), 5178-5189, 2016
Persistent and novel threats to the biodiversity of Kazakhstan’s steppes and semi-deserts
J Kamp, MA Koshkin, TM Bragina, TE Katzner, EJ Milner-Gulland, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 25, 2521-2541, 2016
Parasites, condition, immune responsiveness and carotenoid‐based ornamentation in male red‐legged partridge Alectoris rufa
F Mougeot, L Pérez‐Rodríguez, N Sumozas, J Terraube
Journal of Avian Biology 40 (1), 67-74, 2009
Factors influencing diet variation in a generalist predator across its range distribution
J Terraube, B Arroyo
Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (10), 2111-2131, 2011
Diet composition and foraging success in generalist predators: Are specialist individuals better foragers?
J Terraube, D Guixé, B Arroyo
Basic and Applied Ecology 15 (7), 616-624, 2014
Assessing the effectiveness of a national protected area network for carnivore conservation
J Terraube, J Van Doninck, P Helle, M Cabeza
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2957, 2020
Predator-prey interactions and climate change
V Bretagnolle, J Terraube
Effects of Climate Change on Birds. Second Edition., 199-220, 2019
Principles for including conservation messaging in wildlife‐based tourism
Á Fernández‐Llamazares, S Fraixedas, A Brias‐Guinart, J Terraube
People and Nature 2 (3), 596-607, 2020
The role of protected areas in supporting human health: a call to broaden the assessment of conservation outcomes
J Terraube, Á Fernández-Llamazares, M Cabeza
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 25, 50-58, 2017
Coping with fast climate change in northern ecosystems: Mechanisms underlying the population‐level response of a specialist avian predator
J Terraube, A Villers, L Ruffino, L Iso‐Iivari, H Henttonen, T Oksanen, ...
Ecography 38 (7), 690-699, 2015
Reframing the wilderness concept can bolster collaborative conservation.
BES Fernández-Llamazares Á, Terraube J, Gavin MC, Pyhälä A, Siani S, Cabeza M
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35 (9), 2020
Broad wintering range and intercontinental migratory divide within a core population of the near‐threatened pallid harrier
J Terraube, F Mougeot, T Cornulier, A Verma, A Gavrilov, B Arroyo
Diversity and Distributions 18 (4), 401-409, 2012
Demographic history, genetic structure and gene flow in a steppe-associated raptor species
JT Garcia, F Alda, J Terraube, F Mougeot, A Sternalski, V Bretagnolle, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 11, 1-11, 2011
The importance of Indigenous Territories for conserving bat diversity across the Amazon biome
Á Fernández-Llamazares, A López-Baucells, PM Velazco, A Gyawali, ...
Perspectives in ecology and conservation 19 (1), 10-20, 2021
Increased autumn rainfall disrupts predator–prey interactions in fragmented boreal forests
J Terraube, A Villers, L Poudré, R Varjonen, E Korpimäki
Global Change Biology 23 (4), 1361-1373, 2017
Mechanisms and reproductive consequences of breeding dispersal in a specialist predator under temporally varying food conditions
J Terraube, V Vasko, E Korpimäki
Oikos 124 (6), 762-771, 2015
Using satellite telemetry and environmental niche modelling to inform conservation targets for a long-distance migratory raptor in its wintering grounds
R Limiñana, B Arroyo, J Terraube, M McGrady, F Mougeot
Oryx 49 (2), 329-337, 2015
Gold is not green: artisanal gold mining threatens Ranomafana National Park's biodiversity
M Cabeza, J Terraube, D Burgas, EM Temba, M Rakoarijaoana
Animal Conservation, 2019
Strengthening protected areas to halt biodiversity loss and mitigate pandemic risks
J Terraube, Á Fernández-Llamazares
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 46, 35-38, 2020
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Articles 1–20