B. Duncan Lascelles
B. Duncan Lascelles
Professor of Pain, NC State University
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Development of the short-form Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) and derivation of an analgesic intervention score
J Reid, AM Nolan, JML Hughes, D Lascelles, P Pawson, EM Scott
Animal welfare 16 (S1), 97-104, 2007
Guidelines for recognition, assessment and treatment of pain: WSAVA Global Pain Council members and co‐authors of this document
K Mathews, PW Kronen, D Lascelles, A Nolan, S Robertson, ...
Journal of Small Animal Practice 55 (6), E10-E68, 2014
Proposed definitions and criteria for reporting time frame, outcome, and complications for clinical orthopedic studies in veterinary medicine
JL Cook, R Evans, MG Conzemius, BDX Lascelles, CW McIlwraith, ...
Veterinary Surgery 39 (8), 905-908, 2010
Efficacy and kinetics of carprofen, administered preoperatively or postoperatively, for the prevention of pain in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy
Veterinary Surgery 27 (6), 568-582, 1998
Evaluation of construct and criterion validity for the ‘Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs’(LOAD) clinical metrology instrument and comparison to two other instruments
MB Walton, E Cowderoy, D Lascelles, JF Innes
PLoS One 8 (3), e58125, 2013
Prevalence and classification of chronic kidney disease in cats randomly selected from four age groups and in cats recruited for degenerative joint disease studies
CL Marino, BDX Lascelles, SL Vaden, ME Gruen, SL Marks
Journal of feline medicine and surgery 16 (6), 465-472, 2014
Current British veterinary attitudes to perioperative analgesia for dogs
A Capner, BDX Lascelles, AE Waterman‐Pearson
Veterinary Record 145 (4), 95-99, 1999
Amantadine in a multimodal analgesic regimen for alleviation of refractory osteoarthritis pain in dogs
BDX Lascelles, JS Gaynor, ES Smith, SC Roe, DJ Marcellin‐Little, ...
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 22 (1), 53-59, 2008
Cross‐sectional study of the prevalence of radiographic degenerative joint disease in domesticated cats
BDX Lascelles, JB Henry III, J Brown, I Robertson, AT Sumrell, ...
Veterinary surgery 39 (5), 535-544, 2010
Systematic review of nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug‐induced adverse effects in dogs
BP Monteiro‐Steagall, PVM Steagall, BDX Lascelles
Journal of veterinary internal medicine 27 (5), 1011-1019, 2013
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in cats: a review
BDX Lascelles, MH Court, EM Hardie, SA Robertson
Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia 34 (4), 228-250, 2007
Evaluation of client‐specific outcome measures and activity monitoring to measure pain relief in cats with osteoarthritis
BDX Lascelles, BD Hansen, S Roe, V DePuy, A Thomson, CC Pierce, ...
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 21 (3), 410-416, 2007
Current British veterinary attitudes to perioperative analgesia for cats and small mammals
BDX Lascelles, CA Capner, AE Waterman‐Pearson
Veterinary Record 145 (21), 601-604, 1999
PK‐PD modeling of buprenorphine in cats: intravenous and oral transmucosal administration1
SA Robertson, BDX Lascelles, PM Taylor, JW Sear
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics 28 (5), 453-460, 2005
Post-operative central hypersensitivity and pain: the pre-emptive value of pethidine for ovariohysterectomy
BDX Lascelles, PJ Cripps, A Jones, AE Waterman
Pain 73 (3), 461-471, 1997
Early neonatal pain—a review of clinical and experimental implications on painful conditions later in life
MD Williams, BDX Lascelles
Frontiers in pediatrics 8, 30, 2020
Postoperative analgesic and sedative effects of carprofen and pethidine in dogs.
BD Lascelles, SJ Butterworth, AE Waterman
The Veterinary Record 134 (8), 187-191, 1994
Evaluation of a pressure walkway system for measurement of vertical limb forces in clinically normal dogs
BDX Lascelles, SC Roe, E Smith, L Reynolds, J Markham, ...
American journal of veterinary research 67 (2), 277-282, 2006
Improved survival associated with postoperative wound infection in dogs treated with limb-salvage surgery for osteosarcoma
BDX Lascelles, WS Dernell, MT Correa, M Lafferty, CM Devitt, CA Kuntz, ...
Annals of surgical oncology 12, 1073-1083, 2005
Evaluation of an accelerometer for at-home monitoring of spontaneous activity in dogs
BD Hansen, BDX Lascelles, BW Keene, AK Adams, AE Thomson
American journal of veterinary research 68 (5), 468-475, 2007
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Articles 1–20