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Climate change impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of European forest ecosystems
M Lindner, M Maroschek, S Netherer, A Kremer, A Barbati, ...
Forest ecology and management 259 (4), 698-709, 2010
Landscape–wildfire interactions in southern Europe: implications for landscape management
F Moreira, O Viedma, M Arianoutsou, T Curt, N Koutsias, E Rigolot, ...
Journal of environmental management 92 (10), 2389-2402, 2011
Reviewing the science and implementation of climate change adaptation measures in European forestry
M Kolström, M Lindner, T Vilén, M Maroschek, R Seidl, MJ Lexer, ...
Forests 2 (4), 961-982, 2011
European Forest Types and Forest Europe SFM indicators: Tools for monitoring progress on forest biodiversity conservation
A Barbati, M Marchetti, G Chirici, P Corona
Forest Ecology and Management 321, 145-157, 2014
Contribution of large-scale forest inventories to biodiversity assessment and monitoring
P Corona, G Chirici, RE McRoberts, S Winter, A Barbati
Forest ecology and management 262 (11), 2061-2069, 2011
Impacts of climate change on European forests and options for adaptation
M Lindner, J Garcia-Gonzalo, M Kolström, T Green, R Reguera, ...
Report to the European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and …, 2008
European mixed forests: definition and research perspectives
A Bravo-Oviedo, H Pretzsch, C Ammer, E Andenmatten, A Barbati, ...
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2014
Non-parametric and parametric methods using satellite images for estimating growing stock volume in alpine and Mediterranean forest ecosystems
G Chirici, A Barbati, P Corona, M Marchetti, D Travaglini, F Maselli, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 112 (5), 2686-2700, 2008
Knowledge gaps about mixed forests: What do European forest managers want to know and what answers can science provide?
L Coll, A Ameztegui, C Collet, M Löf, B Mason, M Pach, K Verheyen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 407, 106-115, 2018
A forest typology for monitoring sustainable forest management: the case of European forest types
A Barbati, P Corona, M Marchetti
Plant Biosystems 141 (1), 93-103, 2007
Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments
P Corona, D Ascoli, A Barbati, G Bovio, G Colangelo, M Elia, V Garfì, ...
Annals of Silvicultural Research 39 (1), 1-22, 2015
Urban growth, land-use efficiency and local socioeconomic context: A comparative analysis of 417 metropolitan regions in Europe
E Masini, A Tomao, A Barbati, P Corona, P Serra, L Salvati
Environmental management 63, 322-337, 2019
Natural forest expansion into suburban countryside: Gained ground for a green infrastructure?
A Barbati, P Corona, L Salvati, L Gasparella
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12 (1), 36-43, 2013
UAV remote sensing for biodiversity monitoring: Are forest canopy gaps good covariates?
MB Bagaram, D Giuliarelli, G Chirici, F Giannetti, A Barbati
Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1397, 2018
Modeling the influence of alternative forest management scenarios on wood production and carbon storage: A case study in the Mediterranean region
F Bottalico, L Pesola, M Vizzarri, L Antonello, A Barbati, G Chirici, ...
Environmental research 144, 72-87, 2016
Use of remotely sensed and ancillary data for estimating forest gross primary productivity in Italy
F Maselli, A Barbati, M Chiesi, G Chirici, P Corona
Remote sensing of environment 100 (4), 563-575, 2006
Exploring forest structural complexity by multi-scale segmentation of VHR imagery
A Lamonaca, P Corona, A Barbati
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (6), 2839-2849, 2008
Garcia− Gonzalo J
M Lindner, M Maroschek, S Netherer, A Kremer, A Barbati
Seidl R., Delzon S., Corona P., Kolström M., Lexer MJ, Marchetti M, 698-709, 2010
ForestBIOTA data on deadwood monitoring in Europe
D Travaglini, A Barbati, G Chirici, F Lombardi, M Marchetti, P Corona
Plant Biosystems 141 (2), 222-230, 2007
Concept to practice of geospatial-information tools to assist forest management and planning under precision forestry framework: A review
MJ Fardusi, F Chianucci, A Barbati
Ann. Silvic. Res 41 (1), 3-14, 2017
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