Matthew Peeples
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Citované v
Transformation of social networks in the late pre-Hispanic US Southwest
BJ Mills, JJ Clark, MA Peeples, WR Haas Jr, JM Roberts Jr, JB Hill, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (15), 5785-5790, 2013
Social transformation and its human costs in the prehispanic US Southwest
M Hegmon, MA Peeples, AP Kinzig, S Kulow, CM Meegan, MC Nelson
American anthropologist 110 (3), 313-324, 2008
Climate challenges, vulnerabilities, and food security
MC Nelson, SE Ingram, AJ Dugmore, R Streeter, MA Peeples, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (2), 298-303, 2016
Are social networks survival networks? An example from the late pre-Hispanic US Southwest
L Borck, BJ Mills, MA Peeples, JJ Clark
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22, 33-57, 2015
Multiscalar perspectives on social networks in the late prehispanic Southwest
BJ Mills, MA Peeples, WR Haas Jr, L Borck, JJ Clark, JM Roberts Jr
American Antiquity 80 (1), 3-24, 2015
Finding a place for networks in archaeology
MA Peeples
Journal of Archaeological Research 27 (4), 451-499, 2019
To binarize or not to binarize: relational data and the construction of archaeological networks
MA Peeples, JM Roberts Jr
Journal of archaeological science 40 (7), 3001-3010, 2013
Brokerage and social capital in the prehispanic US Southwest
MA Peeples, WR Haas Jr
American Anthropologist 115 (2), 232-247, 2013
The dynamics of social networks in the Late Prehispanic US Southwest
BJ Mills, JM Roberts Jr, JJ Clark, WR Haas Jr, D Huntley, MA Peeples, ...
Network analysis in archaeology: New approaches to regional interaction, 181-202, 2013
Connected communities: networks, identity, and social change in the ancient Cibola world
MA Peeples
University of Arizona Press, 2018
Resisting diversity: a long-term archaeological study
MC Nelson, M Hegmon, SR Kulow, MA Peeples, KW Kintigh, AP Kinzig
Ecology and Society 16 (1), 2011
Fostering synthesis in archaeology to advance science and benefit society
JH Altschul, KW Kintigh, TH Klein, WH Doelle, KA Hays-Gilpin, SA Herr, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (42), 10999-11002, 2017
Trends in archaeological network research: a bibliometric analysis
T Brughmans, MA Peeples
Journal of historical network research 1 (1), 2017
Resilience lost: intersecting land use and landscape dynamics in the prehistoric southwestern United States
MA Peeples, CM Barton, S Schmich
Ecology and Society 11 (2), 2006
Sight communities: the social significance of shared visual landmarks
W Bernardini, MA Peeples
American Antiquity 80 (2), 215-235, 2015
The persistence of ancient settlements and urban sustainability
ME Smith, J Lobo, MA Peeples, AM York, BW Stanley, KA Crawford, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (20), e2018155118, 2021
Evaluating Chaco migration scenarios using dynamic social network analysis
BJ Mills, MA Peeples, LD Aragon, BA Bellorado, JJ Clark, E Giomi, ...
Antiquity 92 (364), 922-939, 2018
R script for k-means cluster analysis
MA Peeples
Retrieved May 13, 2016, 2011
Identity and social transformation in the Prehispanic Cibola world: AD 1150–1325
MA Peeples
Arizona State University, 2011
Refining correspondence analysis-based ceramic seriation of regional data sets
MA Peeples, G Schachner
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (8), 2818-2827, 2012
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