Hossein Chegini
Hossein Chegini
Hossein Chegini,PHD student, university of Auckland
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Cited by
Process automation in an IoT–fog–cloud ecosystem: A survey and taxonomy
H Chegini, RK Naha, A Mahanti, P Thulasiraman
IoT 2 (1), 92-118, 2021
A framework of automation on context-aware internet of things (IoT) systems
H Chegini, A Mahanti
Proceedings of the 12th ieee/acm international conference on utility and …, 2019
Fuzzy logic based pasture assessment using weed and bare patch detection
H Chegini, F Beltran, A Mahanti
Smart and Sustainable Agriculture: First International Conference, SSA 2021 …, 2021
Designing and developing a weed detection model for California thistle
H Chegini, F Beltran, A Mahanti
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23 (3), 1-29, 2023
Short term load forecasting of Iran’s power systems with neuro-fuzzy application and SSA analysis
H Chegini, A Shirvani, MM Pedram, GR Yousefi, C Lucas
7th Int. Cof. Comp. Sci. Inf. Tech, 2000-2004, 2009
Polynomial kernel function and its application in locally polynomial neurofuzzy models
A Shirvani, H Chegini, S Setayeshi, C Lucas
2009 14th International CSI Computer Conference, 54-59, 2009
An agriprecision decision support system for weed management in pastures
H Chegini, R Naha, A Mahanti, M Gong, K Passi
IEEE Access, 2023
Process Automation in an IoT–Fog–Cloud Ecosystem: A Survey and Taxonomy. IoT 2021, 2, 92–118
H Chegini, RK Naha, A Mahanti, P Thulasiraman
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2021
Prediction of financial time series with recurrent LoLiMot (locally linear model tree)
H Chegini, C Lucas
2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering …, 2010
Prediction of the Sunspots Number with an Increasing Order of Dynamism Capability in Recurrent LoLiMot (Locally Linear Model Tree) Network
H Chegini, C Lucas
ICAI 2010: proceedings of the 2010 international conference on artificial …, 2010
Dreams as an engine for producing artistic scenes: A self-empirical study
H Chegini
International Journal of Dream Research, 126-134, 2022
Design and implementation of a Software System for Weed Monitoring and Clean-up
H Chegini
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2021
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Articles 1–12