Jun Yan
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Cited by
Optimum structure with homogeneous optimum truss-like material
L Liu, J Yan, G Cheng
Computers & Structures 86 (13), 1417-1425, 2008
Optimum structure with homogeneous optimum cellular material for maximum fundamental frequency
B Niu, J Yan, G Cheng
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 39 (2), 115-132, 2009
Multi-objective concurrent topology optimization of thermoelastic structures composed of homogeneous porous material
J Deng, J Yan, G Cheng
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 47 (4), 583-597, 2013
Multi-scale robust design and optimization considering load uncertainties
X Guo, X Zhao, W Zhang, J Yan, G Sun
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 994-1009, 2015
Three-Dimensional High-Entropy Alloy–Polymer Composite Nanolattices That Overcome the Strength–Recoverability Trade-off
X Zhang, J Yao, B Liu, J Yan, L Lu, Y Li, H Gao, X Li
Nano letters 18 (7), 4247-4256, 2018
Multi-scale concurrent material and structural design under mechanical and thermal loads
J Yan, X Guo, G Cheng
Computational Mechanics 57 (3), 437-446, 2016
A uniform optimum material based model for concurrent optimization of thermoelastic structures and materials
J Yan, G Cheng, L Liu
International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design …, 2008
Integrated optimization of the material and structure of composites based on the Heaviside penalization of discrete material model
Z Duan, J Yan, G Zhao
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51 (3), 721-732, 2015
Tension behavior prediction of flexible pipelines in shallow water
Q Yue, Q Lu, J Yan, J Zheng, A Palmer
Ocean Engineering 58, 201-207, 2013
Comparison of prediction on effective elastic property and shape optimization of truss material with periodic microstructure
J Yan, G Cheng, S Liu, L Liu
International journal of mechanical sciences 48 (4), 400-413, 2006
Buckling collapse study for the carcass layer of flexible pipes using a strain energy equivalence method
M Tang, Q Lu, J Yan, Q Yue
Ocean Engineering 111, 209-217, 2016
Optimal structure design with low thermal directional expansion and high stiffness
B Wang, J Yan, G Cheng
Engineering Optimization 43 (6), 581-595, 2011
Validity and limitation of analytical models for the bending stress of a helical wire in unbonded flexible pipes
M Tang, C Yang, J Yan, Q Yue
Applied Ocean Research 50, 58-68, 2015
A comparative study of three composite implicit schemes on structural dynamic and wave propagation analysis
W Wen, Y Tao, S Duan, J Yan, K Wei, D Fang
Computers & Structures 190, 126-149, 2017
Concurrent multi-scale design optimization of composite frames with manufacturing constraints
J Yan, Z Duan, E Lund, J Wang
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 56 (3), 519-533, 2017
Deep learning driven real time topology optimisation based on initial stress learning
J Yan, Q Zhang, Q Xu, Z Fan, H Li, W Sun, G Wang
Advanced Engineering Informatics 51, 101472, 2022
Singular optimum topology of skeletal structures with frequency constraints by AGGA
X Liu, G Cheng, J Yan, L Jiang
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 45 (3), 451-466, 2012
Integrated size and topology optimization of skeletal structures with exact frequency constraints
C Ni, J Yan, G Cheng, X Guo
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 50 (1), 113-128, 2014
Multiscale eigenfrequency optimization of multimaterial lattice structures based on the asymptotic homogenization method
Z Fan, J Yan, M Wallin, M Ristinmaa, B Niu, G Zhao
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 61 (3), 983-998, 2020
Flexible Riser Configuration Design for Extremely Shallow Water With Surrogate-Model-Based Optimization
J Chen, J Yan, Z Yang, Q Yue, M Tang
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 138 (4), 041701, 2016
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Articles 1–20