Baoqing Ding (丁宝清)
Baoqing Ding (丁宝清)
College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University
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The impact of the geologic history and paleoclimate on the diversification of East African cichlids
PD Danley, M Husemann, B Ding, LM DiPietro, EJ Beverly, DJ Peppe
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012 (1), 574851, 2012
Two MYB proteins in a self-organizing activator-inhibitor system produce spotted pigmentation patterns
B Ding, EL Patterson, SV Holalu, J Li, GA Johnson, LE Stanley, ...
Current Biology 30 (5), 802-814. e8, 2020
Urine proteome of COVID-19 patients
Y Li, Y Wang, H Liu, W Sun, B Ding, Y Zhao, P Chen, L Zhu, Z Li, N Li, ...
Urine 2, 1-8, 2020
A Tetratricopeptide Repeat Protein Regulates Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Chromoplast Development in Monkeyflowers (Mimulus)
LE Stanley, B Ding, W Sun, F Mou, C Hill, S Chen, YW Yuan
The plant cell 32 (5), 1536-1555, 2020
Analyses of a chromosome-scale genome assembly reveal the origin and evolution of cultivated chrysanthemum
A Song, J Su, H Wang, Z Zhang, X Zhang, Y Van de Peer, F Chen, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 2021, 2023
An R2R3-MYB transcription factor CmMYB21 represses anthocyanin biosynthesis in color fading petals of chrysanthemum
Y Wang, LJ Zhou, Y Wang, Z Geng, B Ding, J Jiang, S Chen, F Chen
Scientia Horticulturae 293, 110674, 2022
A dominant‐negative actin mutation alters corolla tube width and pollinator visitation in Mimulus lewisii
B Ding, F Mou, W Sun, S Chen, F Peng, HD Bradshaw Jr, YW Yuan
New Phytologist 213 (4), 1936-1944, 2017
Population genetic structure of Bellamya aeruginosa (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Viviparidae) in China: weak divergence across large geographic distances
QH Gu, M Husemann, B Ding, Z Luo, BX Xiong
Ecology and Evolution 5 (21), 4906-4919, 2015
Quantitative genetic analyses of male color pattern and female mate choice in a pair of cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi, East Africa
B Ding, DW Daugherty, M Husemann, M Chen, AE Howe, PD Danley
PLoS One 9 (12), e114798, 2014
Body shape differences in a pair of closely related Malawi cichlids and their hybrids: Effects of genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity, and transgressive segregation
M Husemann, M Tobler, C McCauley, B Ding, PD Danley
Ecology and Evolution 7 (12), 4336-4346, 2017
Transcription factor CmbHLH16 regulates petal anthocyanin homeostasis under different lights in Chrysanthemum
LJ Zhou, Y Wang, Y Wang, A Song, J Jiang, S Chen, B Ding, Z Guan, ...
Plant Physiology 190 (2), 1134-1152, 2022
Developmental Genetics of Corolla Tube Formation: Role of the tasiRNA-ARF Pathway and a Conceptual Model
B Ding, R Xia, Q Lin, V Gurung, JM Sagawa, LE Stanley, M Strobel, ...
Plant Cell 32 (11), 3452-3468, 2020
Testing the utility of fluorescent proteins in Mimulus lewisii by an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay
B Ding, YW Yuan
Plant cell reports 35, 771-777, 2016
Habitat complexity predicts the community diversity of rock-dwelling cichlid fish in Lake Malawi, East Africa
B Ding, J Curole, M Husemann, PD Danley
Hydrobiologia 748, 133-143, 2015
Wearable sensor: an emerging data collection tool for plant phenotyping
C Zhang, J Kong, D Wu, Z Guan, B Ding, F Chen
Plant Phenomics 5, 0051, 2023
Evolution of body shape in differently coloured sympatric congeners and allopatric populations of Lake Malawi's rock‐dwelling cichlids
M Husemann, M Tobler, C McCauley, B Ding, PD Danley
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (5), 826-839, 2014
The TIFY family protein CmJAZ1‐like negatively regulates petal size via interaction with the bHLH transcription factor CmBPE2 in Chrysanthemum morifolium
Y Guan, L Ding, J Jiang, D Jia, S Li, L Jin, W Zhao, X Zhang, A Song, ...
The Plant Journal 112 (6), 1489-1506, 2022
Molecular basis of overdominance at a flower color locus
AM LaFountain, W Chen, W Sun, S Chen, HA Frank, B Ding, YW Yuan
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7 (12), 3947-3954, 2017
A genetic demographic analysis of L ake M alawi rock‐dwelling cichlids using spatio‐temporal sampling
M Husemann, R Nguyen, B Ding, PD Danley
Molecular Ecology 24 (11), 2686-2701, 2015
The roles of R2R3-MYBs in regulating complex pigmentation patterns in flowers
B Ding
Horticultural Plant Journal, 2023
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Articles 1–20