George Swann
George Swann
School of Geography, University of Nottingham
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North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago
GH Haug, A Ganopolski, DM Sigman, A Rosell-Mele, GEA Swann, ...
Nature 433, 821-825, 2005
Ecology under lake ice
SE Hampton, AWE Galloway, SM Powers, T Ozersky, KH Woo, RD Batt, ...
Ecology Letters 20 (1), 98-111, 2017
Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) for assessing biogenic silica sample purity in geochemical analyses and palaeoenvironmental research
GEA Swann, SV Patwardhan
Climate of the Past 7, 65-74, 2011
A review of diatom δ18O in palaeoceanography
GEA Swann, MJ Leng
Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 384-398, 2009
A review of the stable isotope bio-geochemistry of the global silicon cycle and its associated trace elements
JN Sutton, L André, D Cardinal, DJ Conley, GF De Souza, J Dean, J Dodd, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 5, 112, 2018
Isotopes in marine sediments
MA Maslin, GEA Swann
Isotopes in Palaeoenvironmental Research, 227-290, 2006
Recent ecological change in ancient lakes
SE Hampton, S McGowan, T Ozersky, SGP Virdis, TT Vu, TL Spanbauer, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (5), 2277-2304, 2018
Inter-laboratory comparison of oxygen isotope compositions from biogenic silica
B Chapligin, MJ Leng, E Webb, A Alexandre, JP Dodd, A Ijiri, A Lücke, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011
Lessons from a high CO2 world: an ocean view from ~ 3 million years ago
EL McClymont, HL Ford, SL Ho, JC Tindall, AM Haywood, ...
Climate of the Past Discussions 2020, 1-27, 2020
The potential use of silicon isotope composition of biogenic silica as a proxy for environmental change
MJ Leng, GEA Swann, MJ Hodson, JJ Tyler, SV Patwardhan, HJ Sloane
Silicon 1, 65-77, 2009
Climatic change in Central Asia during MIS 3/2: a case study using biological responses from Lake Baikal
GEA Swann, AW Mackay, MJ Leng, F Demory
Global and Planetary Change 46, 235-253, 2005
Glacial discharge along the west Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene
J Pike, GEA Swann, MJ Leng, AM Snelling
Nature Geoscience 6, 199-202, 2013
A reassessment of late glacial–Holocene diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal using a geochemical mass‐balance approach
AW Mackay, GEA Swann, TS Brewer, MJ Leng, DW Morley, N Piotrowska, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (6), 627-634, 2011
Sedimentary records of sewage pollution using faecal markers in contrasting peri-urban shallow lakes
CH Vane, AW Kim, S McGowan, MJ Leng, THE Heaton, CP Kendrick, ...
Science of the total environment 409 (2), 345-356, 2010
A combined oxygen and silicon diatom isotope record of Late Quaternary change in Lake El'gygytgyn, North East Siberia
GEA Swann, MJ Leng, O Juschus, M Melles, J Brigham-Grette, HJ Sloane
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (5-6), 774-786, 2010
Diatom δ18O evidence for the development of the modern halocline system in the subarctic northwest Pacific at the onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation
GEA Swann, MA Maslin, MJ Leng, HJ Sloane, GH Haug
Paleoceanography 21, PA1009, 2006
Iron fertilisation and biogeochemical cycles in the sub-Arctic northwest Pacific during the late Pliocene intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
I Bailey, Q Liu, GEA Swann, Z Jiang, Y Sun, X Zhao, AP Roberts
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307 (3-4), 253-265, 2011
Closure of the Bering Strait caused mid-Pleistocene transition cooling
S Kender, AC Ravelo, S Worne, GEA Swann, MJ Leng, H Asahi, J Becker, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 5386, 2018
Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey
JR Dean, MD Jones, MJ Leng, HJ Sloane, CN Roberts, J Woodbridge, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013
PaCTS 1.0: a crowdsourced reporting standard for paleoclimate data
D Khider, J Emile‐Geay, NP McKay, Y Gil, D Garijo, V Ratnakar, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34 (10), 1570-1596, 2019
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Articles 1–20