Albrecht W. Hofmann
Cited by
Cited by
Chemical differentiation of the Earth: the relationship between mantle, continental crust, and oceanic crust
AW Hofmann
Earth and planetary science letters 90 (3), 297-314, 1988
Mantle geochemistry: the message from oceanic volcanism
AW Hofmann
Nature 385 (6613), 219-229, 1997
Nb and Pb in oceanic basalts: new constraints on mantle evolution
AW Hofmann, KP Jochum, M Seufert, WM White
Earth and Planetary science letters 79 (1-2), 33-45, 1986
Mantle plumes from ancient oceanic crust
AW Hofmann, WM White
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 57 (2), 421-436, 1982
The amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, DV Kuzmin, GM Yaxley, NT Arndt, SL Chung, ...
science 316 (5823), 412-417, 2007
GeoReM: a new geochemical database for reference materials and isotopic standards
KP Jochum, U Nohl, K Herwig, E Lammel, B Stoll, AW Hofmann
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 29 (3), 333-338, 2005
An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, SV Sobolev, IK Nikogosian
Nature 434 (7033), 590-597, 2005
Sampling mantle heterogeneity through oceanic basalts: isotopes and trace elements
AW Hofmann
Treatise on geochemistry 2, 568, 2003
Precambrian crustal components, plutonic associations, plate environment of the Hercynian Fold Belt of central Europe: indications from a Nd and Sr isotopic study
TC Liew, AW Hofmann
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 98, 129-138, 1988
Evaluation of a 202pb _ 205pb Double Spike for High-Precision Lead Isotope Analysis
RA Cliff, A Hanser, AW Hofmann
Earth processes: reading the isotopic code 95, 429, 1996
Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry of oceanic basalts and mantle evolution
WM White, AW Hofmann
Nature 296, 821, 1982
Boninite-like volcanic rocks in the 3.7–3.8 Ga Isua greenstone belt, West Greenland: geochemical evidence for intra-oceanic subduction zone processes in the early Earth
A Polat, AW Hofmann, MT Rosing
Chemical geology 184 (3-4), 231-254, 2002
Alteration and geochemical patterns in the 3.7–3.8 Ga Isua greenstone belt, West Greenland
A Polat, AW Hofmann
Precambrian Research 126 (3-4), 197-218, 2003
MPI‐DING reference glasses for in situ microanalysis: New reference values for element concentrations and isotope ratios
KP Jochum, B Stoll, K Herwig, M Willbold, AW Hofmann, M Amini, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (2), 2006
HIMU-EM: the French Polynesian connection
C Chauvel, AW Hofmann, P Vidal
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 110 (1-4), 99-119, 1992
The chemical composition of the Earth
CJ Allegre, JP Poirier, E Humler, AW Hofmann
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 134 (3-4), 515-526, 1995
FOZO, HIMU, and the rest of the mantle zoo
A Stracke, AW Hofmann, SR Hart
Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems 6 (5), 2005
Coupled major and trace elements as indicators of the extent of melting in mid-ocean-ridge peridotites
E Hellebrand, JE Snow, HJB Dick, AW Hofmann
Nature 410 (6829), 677-681, 2001
Segregation of subducted oceanic crust in the convecting mantle
UR Christensen, AW Hofmann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B10), 19867-19884, 1994
Mantle plumes and episodic crustal growth
M Stein, AW Hofmann
Nature 372 (6501), 63-68, 1994
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Articles 1–20