Drew E. Latta
Cited by
Cited by
CuO and ZnO nanoparticles: phytotoxicity, metal speciation, and induction of oxidative stress in sand-grown wheat
CO Dimkpa, JE McLean, DE Latta, E Manangón, DW Britt, WP Johnson, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 14 (9), 1-15, 2012
Fate of CuO and ZnO nano-and microparticles in the plant environment
CO Dimkpa, DE Latta, JE McLean, DW Britt, MI Boyanov, AJ Anderson
Environmental science & technology 47 (9), 4734-4742, 2013
Fe (II)-catalyzed recrystallization of goethite revisited
RM Handler, AJ Frierdich, CM Johnson, KM Rosso, BL Beard, C Wang, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (19), 11302-11311, 2014
Influence of Magnetite Stoichiometry on U VI Reduction
D Latta, CA Gorski, M Boyanov, EJ O'Loughlin, KM Kemner, MM Scherer
Environmental Science & Technology, 2011
Fe Electron Transfer and Atom Exchange in Goethite: Influence of Al-Substitution and Anion Sorption
DE Latta, JE Bachman, MM Scherer
Environmental Science & Technology, 2012
Fe (II)-catalyzed transformation of organic matter–ferrihydrite coprecipitates: a closer look using Fe isotopes
Z Zhou, DE Latta, N Noor, A Thompson, T Borch, MM Scherer
Environmental science & technology 52 (19), 11142-11150, 2018
Influence of Fe2+-catalysed iron oxide recrystallization on metal cycling
DE Latta, CA Gorksi, MM Scherer
Biochemical Society Transactions 40 (6), 1191-1197, 2012
The role of defects in Fe (II)–goethite electron transfer
L Notini, DE Latta, A Neumann, CI Pearce, M Sassi, AT N’Diaye, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (5), 2751-2759, 2018
Abiotic Reduction of Uranium by Fe (II) in Soil
DE Latta, MI Boyanov, KM Kemner, EJ O’Loughlin, MM Scherer
Applied Geochemistry, 2012
Stable U (IV) complexes form at high-affinity mineral surface sites
DE Latta, B Mishra, RE Cook, KM Kemner, MI Boyanov
Environmental science & technology 48 (3), 1683-1691, 2014
Fe (II)–Fe (III) electron transfer in a clay mineral with low Fe content
DE Latta, A Neumann, W Premaratne, MM Scherer
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 1 (4), 197-208, 2017
Post Gold King Mine spill investigation of metal stability in water and sediments of the Animas River watershed
L Rodriguez-Freire, S Avasarala, AMS Ali, D Agnew, JH Hoover, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (21), 11539-11548, 2016
Mineral defects enhance bioavailability of goethite toward microbial Fe (III) reduction
L Notini, JM Byrne, EJ Tomaszewski, DE Latta, Z Zhou, MM Scherer, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (15), 8883-8891, 2019
Reduction of PCE and TCE by magnetite revisited
JD Culpepper, MM Scherer, TC Robinson, A Neumann, D Cwiertny, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 20 (10), 1340-1349, 2018
Abiotic degradation of chlorinated solvents by clay minerals and Fe (II): evidence for reactive mineral intermediates
J Entwistle, DE Latta, MM Scherer, A Neumann
Environmental science & technology 53 (24), 14308-14318, 2019
Effect of bicarbonate and phosphate on arsenic release from mining-impacted sediments in the Cheyenne River watershed, South Dakota, USA
CL DeVore, L Rodriguez-Freire, A Mehdi-Ali, C Ducheneaux, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 21 (3), 456-468, 2019
Reaction of UVI with Titanium-Substituted Magnetite: Influence of Ti on UIV Speciation
DE Latta, CI Pearce, KM Rosso, KM Kemner, MI Boyanov
Environmental science & technology 47 (9), 4121-4130, 2013
A closer look at Fe (II) passivation of goethite
L Notini, DE Latta, A Neumann, CI Pearce, M Sassi, AT N’Diaye, ...
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3 (12), 2717-2725, 2019
Effects of calcium and phosphate on uranium (IV) oxidation: Comparison between nanoparticulate uraninite and amorphous UIV–phosphate
DE Latta, KM Kemner, B Mishra, MI Boyanov
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 174, 122-142, 2016
Reaction of uranium (VI) with green rusts: effect of interlayer anion
D E Latta, M I Boyanov, K M Kemner, E Loughlin, M Scherer
Current Inorganic Chemistry (Discontinued) 5 (3), 156-168, 2015
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Articles 1–20