Tom Van Doorsselaere
Tom Van Doorsselaere
Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, Mathematics Department, KU Leuven, Belgium
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Citované v
Detection of waves in the solar corona: kink or Alfvén?
T Van Doorsselaere, VM Nakariakov, E Verwichte
The Astrophysical Journal 676 (1), L73, 2008
Coronal seismology by means of kink oscillation overtones
J Andries, T Van Doorsselaere, B Roberts, G Verth, E Verwichte, R Erdélyi
Space Science Reviews 149, 3-29, 2009
Observational tests of damping by resonant absorption in coronal loop oscillations
MJ Aschwanden, RW Nightingale, J Andries, M Goossens, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 598 (2), 1375, 2003
Coronal heating by MHD waves
T Van Doorsselaere, AK Srivastava, P Antolin, N Magyar, ...
Space Science Reviews 216, 1-40, 2020
Magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in the solar corona and Earth’s magnetosphere: towards consolidated understanding
VM Nakariakov, V Pilipenko, B Heilig, P Jelínek, M Karlický, ...
Space Science Reviews 200, 75-203, 2016
Coronal loop oscillations-Calculation of resonantly damped MHD quasi-mode kink oscillations of longitudinally stratified loops
J Andries, M Goossens, JV Hollweg, I Arregui, T Van Doorsselaere
Astronomy & Astrophysics 430 (3), 1109-1118, 2005
Damping of coronal loop oscillations: calculation of resonantly damped kink oscillations of one-dimensional nonuniform loops
T Van Doorsselaere, J Andries, S Poedts, M Goossens
The Astrophysical Journal 606 (2), 1223, 2004
Quasi-periodic pulsations in solar and stellar flares: an overview of recent results (invited review)
T Van Doorsselaere, EG Kupriyanova, D Yuan
Solar Physics 291, 3143-3164, 2016
Resonant absorption of transverse oscillations and associated heating in a solar prominence. II. Numerical aspects
P Antolin, TJ Okamoto, B De Pontieu, H Uitenbroek, T Van Doorsselaere, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 809 (1), 72, 2015
Fine strand-like structure in the solar corona from magnetohydrodynamic transverse oscillations
P Antolin, T Yokoyama, T Van Doorsselaere
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 787 (2), L22, 2014
Solar science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array—a new view of our Sun
S Wedemeyer, T Bastian, R Brajša, H Hudson, G Fleishman, ...
Space Science Reviews 200, 1-73, 2016
Coronal loop seismology using multiple transverse loop oscillation harmonics
T Van Doorsselaere, VM Nakariakov, E Verwichte
Astronomy & Astrophysics 473 (3), 959-966, 2007
MHD seismology of coronal loops using the period and damping of quasi-mode kink oscillations
I Arregui, J Andries, T Van Doorsselaere, M Goossens, S Poedts
Astronomy & Astrophysics 463 (1), 333-338, 2007
Surface Alfvén waves in solar flux tubes
M Goossens, J Andries, R Soler, T Van Doorsselaere, I Arregui, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 753 (2), 111, 2012
The effect of curvature on quasi-modes in coronal loops
T Van Doorsselaere, A Debosscher, J Andries, S Poedts
Astronomy & Astrophysics 424 (3), 1065-1074, 2004
Resonant absorption of transverse oscillations and associated heating in a solar prominence. I. Observational aspects
TJ Okamoto, P Antolin, B De Pontieu, H Uitenbroek, T Van Doorsselaere, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 809 (1), 71, 2015
The first measurement of the adiabatic index in the solar corona using time-dependent spectroscopy of Hinode/EIS observations
T Van Doorsselaere, N Wardle, G Del Zanna, K Jansari, E Verwichte, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 727 (2), L32, 2011
Coronal magnetic field measurement using loop oscillations observed by Hinode/EIS
T Van Doorsselaere, VM Nakariakov, PR Young, E Verwichte
Astronomy & Astrophysics 487 (2), L17-L20, 2008
Seismology of a large solar coronal loop from EUVI/STEREO observations of its transverse oscillation
E Verwichte, MJ Aschwanden, T Van Doorsselaere, C Foullon, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 698 (1), 397, 2009
The influence of the magnetic field on running penumbral waves in the solar chromosphere
DB Jess, VE Reznikova, T Van Doorsselaere, PH Keys, DH Mackay
The Astrophysical Journal 779 (2), 168, 2013
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