Stefan Dötterl
Stefan Dötterl
Paris Lodron University Salzburg
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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of flower scent in< i> Silene latifolia</i>
S Dötterl, LM Wolfe, A Jürgens
Phytochemistry 66 (2), 203-213, 2005
The chemical ecology and evolution of bee-flower interactions: a review and perspectives The present review is one in the special series of reviews on animal-plant interactions.
S Dötterl, NJ Vereecken
Canadian Journal of Zoology 88 (7), 668-697, 2010
The chemical nature of fetid floral odours in stapeliads (Apocynaceae‐Asclepiadoideae‐Ceropegieae)
A Jürgens, S Dötterl, U Meve
New Phytologist 172 (3), 452-468, 2006
Nursery pollination by a moth in Silene latifolia: the role of odours in eliciting antennal and behavioural responses
S Dötterl, A Jürgens, K Seifert, T Laube, B Weissbecker, S Schütz
New Phytologist 169 (4), 707-718, 2006
Composition of epiphytic bacterial communities differs on petals and leaves
RR Junker, C Loewel, R Gross, S Dötterl, A Keller, N Blüthgen
Plant Biology 13 (6), 918-924, 2011
Spatial fragrance patterns in flowers of Silene latifolia: lilac compounds as olfactory nectar guides?
S Dötterl, A Jürgens
Plant Systematics and Evolution 255 (1-2), 99-109, 2005
Host‐plant finding and recognition by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee
H Burger, S Dötterl, M Ayasse
Functional Ecology 24 (6), 1234-1240, 2010
The evolution of floral scent and olfactory preferences in pollinators: coevolution or pre‐existing bias?
FP Schiestl, S Dötterl
Evolution 66 (7), 2042-2055, 2012
1, 4-Dimethoxybenzene, a floral scent compound in willows that attracts an oligolectic bee
S Dötterl, U Füssel, A Jürgens, G Aas
Journal of chemical ecology 31 (12), 2993-2998, 2005
Floral volatiles play a key role in specialized ant pollination
C de Vega, CM Herrera, S Dötterl
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16 (1), 32-42, 2014
Floral Reward, Advertisement and Attractiveness to Honey Bees in Dioecious Salix caprea
S Dötterl, U Glück, A Jürgens, J Woodring, G Aas
PLOS ONE 9 (3), e93421, 2014
Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: Biosynthetic constraints and eco‐evolutionary implications
RR Junker, J Kuppler, L Amo, JD Blande, RM Borges, NM van Dam, ...
New Phytologist 220 (3), 739-749, 2018
Host location by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee: innate and learned behavior
P Milet-Pinheiro, M Ayasse, C Schlindwein, HEM Dobson, S Dötterl
Behavioral Ecology 23 (3), 531-538, 2012
Floral odors of Silene otites: their variability and attractiveness to mosquitoes
US Jhumur, S Dötterl, A Jürgens
Journal of chemical ecology 34 (1), 14-25, 2008
Spatial and temporal patterns of floral scent emission in Dianthus inoxianus and electroantennographic responses of its hawkmoth pollinator
F Balao, J Herrera, S Talavera, S Dötterl
Phytochemistry 72 (7), 601-609, 2011
The betrayed thief–the extraordinary strategy of Aristolochia rotunda to deceive its pollinators
B Oelschlägel, M Nuss, M Tschirnhaus, C Pätzold, C Neinhuis, S Dötterl, ...
New Phytologist 206 (1), 342-351, 2015
Chemical composition of anther volatiles in Ranunculaceae: genera-specific profiles in Anemone, Aquilegia, Caltha, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, and Trollius species
A Jürgens, S Dötterl
American Journal of Botany 91 (12), 1969-1980, 2004
Absence of pollinator-mediated premating barriers in mixed-ploidy populations of Gymnadenia conopsea sl (Orchidaceae)
J Jersáková, S Castro, N Sonk, K Milchreit, I Schödelbauerová, T Tolasch, ...
Evolutionary Ecology 24 (5), 1199-1218, 2010
Linalool and lilac aldehyde/alcohol in flower scents: Electrophysiological detection of lilac aldehyde stereoisomers by a moth
S Dötterl, D Burkhardt, B Weißbecker, A Jürgens, S Schütz, A Mosandl
Journal of Chromatography A 1113 (1-2), 231-238, 2006
Diacetin, a reliable cue and private communication channel in a specialized pollination system
I Schäffler, KE Steiner, M Haid, SS van Berkel, G Gerlach, SD Johnson, ...
Scientific reports 5, 12779, 2015
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