Siobhan Abeyesinghe
Siobhan Abeyesinghe
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Can domestic fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus, show self-control?
SM Abeyesinghe, CJ Nicol, SJ Hartnell, CM Wathes
Animal Behaviour 70 (1), 1-11, 2005
The aversion of broiler chickens to concurrent vibrational and thermal stressors
SM Abeyesinghe, CM Wathes, CJ Nicol, JM Randall
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 73 (3), 199-215, 2001
Estimation of the number and demographics of companion dogs in the UK
L Asher, EL Buckland, CI Phylactopoulos, MC Whiting, SM Abeyesinghe, ...
BMC Veterinary Research 7, 1-12, 2011
Controlled atmosphere stunning of broiler chickens. II. Effects on behaviour, physiology and meat quality in a commercial processing plant
DEF McKeegan, SM Abeyesinghe, MA Mcleman, JC Lowe, ...
British Poultry Science 48 (4), 430-442, 2007
Controlled atmosphere stunning of broiler chickens. I. Effects on behaviour, physiology and meat quality in a pilot scale system at a processing plant
SM Abeyesinghe, DEF McKeegan, MA McLeman, JC Lowe, ...
British Poultry Science 48 (4), 406-423, 2007
Prioritisation of companion dog welfare issues using expert consensus
EL Buckland, SA Corr, SM Abeyesinghe, CM Wathes
Animal Welfare 23 (1), 39-46, 2014
Questionnaire-based behaviour analysis of Cavalier King Charles spaniels with neuropathic pain due to Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia
L Rutherford, A Wessmann, C Rusbridge, IM McGonnell, S Abeyesinghe, ...
The Veterinary Journal 194 (3), 294-298, 2012
The impact of chronic environmental stressors on growing pigs, Sus scrofa (Part 1): stress physiology, production and play behaviour
EA O’connor, MO Parker, MA McLeman, TG Demmers, JC Lowe, L Cui, ...
Animal 4 (11), 1899-1909, 2010
A novel telemetric logging system for recording physiological signals in unrestrained animals
JC Lowe, SM Abeyesinghe, TGM Demmers, CM Wathes, DEF McKeegan
Computers and electronics in agriculture 57 (1), 74-79, 2007
Effect of low light and high noise on behavioural activity, physiological indicators of stress and production in laying hens
EA O'connor, MO Parker, EL Davey, H Grist, RC Owen, B Szladovits, ...
British Poultry Science 52 (6), 666-674, 2011
Measuring the success of a farm animal welfare education event
J Jamieson, MJ Reiss, D Allen, L Asher, CM Wathes, SM Abeyesinghe
Animal Welfare 21 (1), 65-75, 2012
The impact of chronic environmental stressors on growing pigs, Sus scrofa (Part 2): social behaviour
MO Parker, EA O’Connor, MA McLeman, TGM Demmers, JC Lowe, ...
animal 4 (11), 1910-1921, 2010
Measuring and modelling the spatial contrast sensitivity of the chicken (Gallus g. domesticus)
JR Jarvis, SM Abeyesinghe, CE McMahon, CM Wathes
Vision Research 49 (11), 1448-1454, 2009
Do hens have friends?
SM Abeyesinghe, JA Drewe, L Asher, CM Wathes, LM Collins
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 143 (1), 61-66, 2013
Associations between behaviour and health outcomes in conventional and slow-growing breeds of broiler chicken
SM Abeyesinghe, NM Chancellor, DH Moore, YM Chang, J Pearce, ...
Animal 15 (7), 100261, 2021
Pregabalin for the treatment of syringomyelia-associated neuropathic pain in dogs: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial
S Sanchis-Mora, YM Chang, SM Abeyesinghe, A Fisher, N Upton, ...
The Veterinary Journal 250, 55-62, 2019
Stimulus luminance and the spatial acuity of domestic fowl (Gallus g. domesticus)
N Gover, JR Jarvis, SM Abeyesinghe, CM Wathes
Vision Research 49 (23), 2747-2753, 2009
Adolescents care but don’t feel responsible for farm animal welfare
J Jamieson, MJ Reiss, D Allen, L Asher, MO Parker, CM Wathes, ...
Society & Animals 23 (3), 269-297, 2015
Investigating social discrimination of group members by laying hens
SM Abeyesinghe, MA McLeman, RC Owen, CE McMahon, CM Wathes
Behavioural processes 81 (1), 1-13, 2009
A continuous-choice assessment of the domestic fowl's aversion to concurrent transport stressors
JM MacCaluim, SM Abeyesinghe, RP White, CM Wathes
Animal welfare 12 (1), 95-107, 2003
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