Eric Séré
Eric Séré
CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University, UMR 7534
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Cited by
A variational approach to homoclinic orbits in Hamiltonian systems
VC Zelati, I Ekeland, É Séré
Mathematische Annalen 288 (1), 133-160, 1990
Existence of infinitely many homoclinic orbits in Hamiltonian systems
É Séré
Mathematische Zeitschrift 209, 27-42, 1992
Stationary states of the nonlinear Dirac equation: a variational approach
MJ Esteban, É Séré
Communications in mathematical physics 171, 323-350, 1995
Looking for the Bernoulli shift
É Séré
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 10 (5), 561-590, 1993
Stationary solutions of the Maxwell-Dirac and the Klein-Gordon-Dirac equations
MJ Esteban, V Georgiev, E Séré
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 4 (3), 265-281, 1996
On the eigenvalues of operators with gaps. Application to Dirac operators
J Dolbeault, MJ Esteban, E Séré
Journal of Functional Analysis 174 (1), 208-226, 2000
Variational methods in relativistic quantum mechanics
M Esteban, M Lewin, E Séré
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 45 (4), 535-593, 2008
An overview on linear and nonlinear Dirac equations
MJ Esteban, E Séré
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 8 (2), 381-397, 2002
Existence of a stable polarized vacuum in the Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock approximation
C Hainzl, M Lewin, É Séré
Communications in mathematical physics 257, 515-562, 2005
A global condition for quasi‐random behavior in a class of conservative systems
B Buffoni, E Séré
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 49 (3), 285-305, 1996
Spectral pollution and how to avoid it
M Lewin, É Séré
Proceedings of the London mathematical society 100 (3), 864-900, 2010
Solutions of the Dirac–Fock Equations for Atoms¶ and Molecules
MJ Esteban, E Séré
Communications in mathematical physics 203, 499-530, 1999
Self-consistent solution for the polarized vacuum in a no-photon QED model
C Hainzl, M Lewin, E Séré
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (20), 4483, 2005
Variational characterization for eigenvalues of Dirac operators
J Dolbeault, MJ Esteban, E Séré
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 10 (4), 321-347, 2000
Existence of atoms and molecules in the mean-field approximation of no-photon quantum electrodynamics
C Hainzl, M Lewin, É Séré
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 192, 453-499, 2009
Nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac-Fock equations
MJ Esteban, E Séré
Annales Henri Poincare 2, 941-961, 2001
Minimization methods for the one-particle Dirac equation
J Dolbeault, MJ Esteban, E Séré, M Vanbreugel
Physical Review Letters 85 (19), 4020, 2000
Smooth solutions to portfolio liquidation problems under price-sensitive market impact
P Graewe, U Horst, E Séré
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 128 (3), 979-1006, 2018
A variational method for relativistic computations in atomic and molecular physics
J Dolbeault, MJ Esteban, E Séré
International journal of quantum chemistry 93 (3), 149-155, 2003
Minimization method for relativistic electrons in a mean-field approximation of quantum electrodynamics
C Hainzl, M Lewin, E Sere, JP Solovej
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (5), 052104, 2007
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Articles 1–20