Pauline Gauffier
Pauline Gauffier
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Habitat‐driven population structure of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the North‐East Atlantic
M Louis, A Viricel, T Lucas, H Peltier, E Alfonsi, S Berrow, A Brownlow, ...
Molecular Ecology 23 (4), 857-874, 2014
Potential feeding habitat of fin whales in the western Mediterranean Sea: an environmental niche model
JN Druon, S Panigada, L David, A Gannier, P Mayol, A Arcangeli, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 464, 289-306, 2012
Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of classical flame retardants, related halogenated natural compounds and alternative flame retardants in three delphinids from Southern …
E Barón, J Giménez, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, R De Stephanis, E Eljarrat, ...
Environmental pollution 203, 107-115, 2015
Diet of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Gulf of Cadiz: Insights from stomach content and stable isotope analyses
J Giménez, A Marçalo, F Ramírez, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, R Esteban, ...
PLoS One 12 (9), e0184673, 2017
Dynamics of killer whale, bluefin tuna and human fisheries in the Strait of Gibraltar
R Esteban, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, J Giménez, C Guinet, R de Stephanis
Biological Conservation 194, 31-38, 2016
Identifying key habitat and seasonal patterns of a critically endangered population of killer whales
R Esteban, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, J Giménez, I Afán, A Cañadas, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-9, 2013
Maternal kinship and fisheries interaction influence killer whale social structure
R Esteban, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, J Giménez, AD Foote, R de Stephanis
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 70 (1), 111-122, 2016
Stable isotopes reveal winter feeding in different habitats in blue, fin and sei whales migrating through the Azores
MA Silva, A Borrell, R Prieto, P Gauffier, M Bérubé, PJ Palsbøl, A Colaço
Royal Society open science 6 (8), 181800, 2019
Halogenated natural products in dolphins: brain–blubber distribution and comparison with halogenated flame retardants
E Barón, C Hauler, C Gallistl, J Giménez, P Gauffier, JJ Castillo, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (15), 9073-9083, 2015
Assessing sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) movements within the western Mediterranean Sea through photo‐identification
E Carpinelli, P Gauffier, P Verborgh, S Airoldi, L David, N Di‐Méglio, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24 (S1), 23-30, 2014
Mobbing-like behavior by pilot whales towards killer whales: a response to resource competition or perceived predation risk?
R De Stephanis, J Giménez, R Esteban, P Gauffier, S García-Tiscar, ...
acta ethologica 18, 69-78, 2015
Behavioural responses of humpback whales to food-related chemical stimuli
B Bouchard, JY Barnagaud, M Poupard, H Glotin, P Gauffier, ...
PloS one 14 (2), e0212515, 2019
Using a multi-disciplinary approach to identify a critically endangered killer whale management unit
R Esteban, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, J Giménez, V Martín, M Pérez-Gil, ...
Ecological Indicators 66, 291-300, 2016
Contemporary migration of fin whales through the Strait of Gibraltar
P Gauffier, P Verborgh, J Giménez, R Esteban, JMS Sierra, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 588, 215-228, 2018
Towards the identification of ecological management units: a multidisciplinary approach for the effective management of bottlenose dolphins in the southern Iberian Peninsula
J Giménez, M Louis, E Barón, F Ramírez, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28 (1), 205-215, 2018
Conservation status of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas, in the Mediterranean Sea
P Verborgh, P Gauffier, R Esteban, J Giménez, A Cañadas, ...
Advances in marine biology 75, 173-203, 2016
Conservation status of killer whales, Orcinus orca, in the Strait of Gibraltar
R Esteban, P Verborgh, P Gauffier, D Alarcón, JM Salazar-Sierra, ...
Advances in marine biology 75, 141-172, 2016
Fine‐scale population structure and connectivity of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in European waters and implications for conservation
M Nykänen, M Louis, E Dillane, E Alfonsi, S Berrow, J O'Brien, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29, 197-211, 2019
Effects of a morbillivirus epizootic on long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas in Spanish Mediterranean waters
K Wierucka, P Verborgh, R Meade, L Colmant, P Gauffier, R Esteban, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 502, 1-10, 2014
Biopsy wound healing in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas)
J Giménez, R De Stephanis, P Gauffier, R Esteban, P Verborgh
The Veterinary Record 168 (4), 101, 2011
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Articles 1–20