Leo Ordinez
Leo Ordinez
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco
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Design patterns for cyber-physical systems: The case of a robotic greenhouse
R Garro, L Ordinez, O Alimenti
2011 Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, 15-20, 2011
Modeling and specifying requirements for cyber-physical systems
L Ordinez, O Alimenti, E Rinland, M Gómez, J Marchetti
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1), 625-632, 2013
Using UML for learning how to design and model cyber-physical systems
L Ordinez, G Eggly, M Micheletto, R Santos
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15 (1), 50-60, 2020
A constructivist approach for teaching embedded systems
L Ordinez, O Alimenti
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1), 572-578, 2013
From User Requirements to Tasks Descriptions in Real-Time Systems.
L Ordinez, D Donari, RM Santos, J Orozco
WER, 2010
A behavior priority driven approach for resource reservation scheduling
L Ordínez, D Donari, R Santos
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 315-319, 2008
El enfoque de Cajas Negra y Blanca para la enseñanza de sistemas embebidos
R Santos, L Ordinez, G Eggly
2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), 1-7, 2016
Diseño e implementación de un sistema embebido de control moderno: una experiencia práctica
M Acasso, R Garro, L Ordinez, O Alimenti
Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos, 170-175, 2012
Eliciting requirements in small cyber-physical systems
L Ordinez, O Alimenti, L Calles
Proceedings of CLEI’11-XXXVII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica, 2011
Estrategias de diseño basadas en patrones de un subsistema de movimiento para un robot pulverizador
R Garro, J Orozco, L Ordinez, R Santos
2014 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), 405-410, 2014
Resource sharing in behavioral based scheduling
L Ordinez, D Donari, R Santos, J Orozco
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 1972-1978, 2009
Power and real time requirements integrated with an adaptive resource reservation soft real-time scheduler
R Santos, MB D’Amico, J Orozco, P Donate, L Ordinez, D Donari
Proc. 31st Latin American Conference of Informatics, 2005
Assessing cycling social feasibility in a medium-size Patagonian city
L Ordinez, C Buckle, SA Kaminker, D Firmenich, D Barry, A Aguirre
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 92, 102720, 2021
Time is not enough: Dealing with behavior in real-time systems
LD Ordinez, DR Donari Acquaroli, RM Santos, JD Orozco
Graz University of Technology, 2011
Towards an ontology for designing cycling routes in the city of Puerto Madryn
A Sánchez, L Ordinez
2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG …, 2020
A cyclist traffic simulation and analysis tool
L Ordinez, M Savarro, O Ascagorta, R René Cura, C Buckle, D Barry, ...
Proceedings 2 (19), 1220, 2018
A bike traffic analyzer for the determination of cycle lanes
L Ordinez, D Barry, A Torrico, E Mallon, JL Devia, L Abella, N Alamo
2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2017
Invernadero robotizado: perspectiva de diseño desde los sistemas ciber-físicos
R Garro, L Ordinez, O Alimenti
II Congreso de Microelectrónica Aplicada (μEA 2011)(La Plata, 7 al 9 de …, 2011
An application-based real-time scheduler for wireless sensor networks
L Ordinez, D Donari, R Santos, J Orozco
Anales de XXXIV Confer-encia Latinoamer-icana de Informatica, 2008
Semantic Importance Dual-Priority Server: Properties
DR Donari, ML Duval, LD Ordinez, DG Sanchez
Internal Report, May 2007, 12 pages. PDF copy can be found at Real Time …, 0
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