Rafael Peña-Miller
Rafael Peña-Miller
Center of Genomic Sciences, UNAM
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Positive selection and compensatory adaptation interact to stabilize non-transmissible plasmids
AS Millan, R Peña-Miller, M Toll-Riera, ZV Halbert, AR McLean, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5208, 2014
When the most potent combination of antibiotics selects for the greatest bacterial load: the smile-frown transition
R Pena-Miller, D Laehnemann, G Jansen, A Fuentes-Hernandez, ...
PLoS biology 11 (4), e1001540, 2013
Bistable Expression of Virulence Genes in Salmonella Leads to the Formation of an Antibiotic-Tolerant Subpopulation
M Arnoldini, IA Vizcarra, R Peña-Miller, N Stocker, M Diard, V Vogel, ...
PLoS biology 12 (8), e1001928, 2014
Variability of plasmid fitness effects contributes to plasmid persistence in bacterial communities
A Alonso-del Valle, R León-Sampedro, J Rodríguez-Beltrán, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2653, 2021
Using a sequential regimen to eliminate bacteria at sublethal antibiotic dosages
A Fuentes-Hernandez, J Plucain, F Gori, R Pena-Miller, C Reding, ...
PLoS biology 13 (4), e1002104, 2015
Multicopy plasmids allow bacteria to escape from fitness trade-offs during evolutionary innovation
J Rodriguez-Beltran, JCR Hernandez-Beltran, J DelaFuente, JA Escudero, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (5), 873-881, 2018
Antibiotic cycling and antibiotic mixing: which one best mitigates antibiotic resistance?
RE Beardmore, R Peña-Miller, F Gori, J Iredell
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (4), 802-817, 2017
Genetic dominance governs the evolution and spread of mobile genetic elements in bacteria
J Rodríguez-Beltrán, V Sørum, M Toll-Riera, C de la Vega, R Peña-Miller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (27), 15755-15762, 2020
Genomics of rapid adaptation to antibiotics: convergent evolution and scalable sequence amplification
D Laehnemann, R Pena-Miller, P Rosenstiel, R Beardmore, G Jansen, ...
Genome biology and evolution 6 (6), 1287-1301, 2014
Rotating antibiotics selects optimally against antibiotic resistance, in theory.
R Peña-Miller, R Beardmore
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2010
Antibiotic cycling versus mixing: The difficulty of using mathematicalmodels to definitively quantify their relative merits
RE Beardmore, R Pena-Miller
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 7 (4), 923-933, 2010
Mathematical models of plasmid population dynamics
JCR Hernández-Beltrán, A San Millan, A Fuentes-Hernández, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 3389, 2021
Evaluating the effect of horizontal transmission on the stability of plasmids under different selection regimes
R Peña-Miller, R Rodríguez-González, RC MacLean, A San Millan
Mobile genetic elements 5 (3), 29-33, 2015
Single-cell time-lapse analysis of depletion of the universally conserved essential protein YgjD
T Bergmiller, R Peña-Miller, A Boehm, M Ackermann
Bmc Microbiology 11, 1-12, 2011
The optimal deployment of synergistic antibiotics: a control-theoretic approach
R Peña-Miller, D Lähnemann, H Schulenburg, M Ackermann, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (75), 2488-2502, 2012
Antimicrobial resistance level and conjugation permissiveness shape plasmid distribution in clinical enterobacteria
A Alonso-del Valle, L Toribio-Celestino, A Quirant, CT Pi, J DelaFuente, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (51), e2314135120, 2023
Selecting against antibiotic-resistant pathogens: optimal treatments in the presence of commensal bacteria
R Peña-Miller, D Lähnemann, H Schulenburg, M Ackermann, ...
Bulletin of mathematical biology 74, 908-934, 2012
Modelling cognitive decline in the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial [HYVET] and proposed risk tables for population use
R Peters, N Beckett, R Beardmore, R Peña-Miller, K Rockwood, ...
PLoS One 5 (7), e11775, 2010
Identification of the Flavobacterium johnsoniae cysteate‐fatty acyl transferase required for capnine synthesis and for efficient gliding motility
MÁ Vences‐Guzmán, R Peña‐Miller, NA Hidalgo‐Aguilar, ...
Environmental microbiology 23 (5), 2448-2460, 2021
Diffusion-driven enhancement of the antibiotic resistance selection window
A Fuentes-Hernández, A Hernández-Koutoucheva, AF Muñoz, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (158), 20190363, 2019
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