Observer-based control of discrete-time LPV systems with uncertain parameters $$ WPMH Heemels, J Daafouz, G Millerioux IEEE transactions on automatic control 55 (9), 2130-2135, 2010 | 243 | 2010 |
On some properties of invariant sets of two-dimensional noninvertible maps CE Frouzakis, L Gardini, IG Kevrekidis, G Millerioux, C Mira International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 7 (06), 1167-1194, 1997 | 99 | 1997 |
A connection between chaotic and conventional cryptography G Millérioux, JM Amigó, J Daafouz IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 55 (6), 1695-1703, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
A poly-quadratic stability based approach for linear switched systems J Daafouz, G Millerioux, C Iung International journal of Control 75 (16-17), 1302-1310, 2002 | 76 | 2002 |
Chaotic cryptosystems: Cryptanalysis and identifiability F Anstett, G Millerioux, G Bloch IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 53 (12), 2673-2680, 2006 | 74 | 2006 |
An observer-based approach for input-independent global chaos synchronization of discrete-time switched systems G Millerioux, J Daafouz IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2003 | 74 | 2003 |
Bounded state reconstruction error for LPV systems with estimated parameters G Millerioux, L Rosier, G Bloch, J Daafouz IEEE transactions on automatic control 49 (8), 1385-1389, 2004 | 66 | 2004 |
Plane foliation of two-dimensional noninvertible maps M Christian, C Jean-Pierre, M Gilles, G Laura International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 6 (08), 1439-1462, 1996 | 59 | 1996 |
Finite-time global chaos synchronization for piecewise linear maps G Millerioux, C Mira IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2001 | 52 | 2001 |
A priori identifiability: An overview on definitions and approaches F Anstett-Collin, L Denis-Vidal, G Millérioux Annual Reviews in Control 50, 139-149, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Une approche intrinsèque des observateurs linéaires à entrées inconnues J Daafouz, M Fliess, G Millerioux Conférence internationale francophone d'automatique (CIFA 2006), 2006 | 44 | 2006 |
Global chaos synchronization and robust filtering in noisy context G Millerioux, J Daafouz IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2001 | 40 | 2001 |
Unknown input observers for message-embedded chaos synchronization of discrete-time systems G Millerioux, J Daafouz International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14 (04), 1357-1368, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Flatness of switched linear discrete-time systems G Millérioux, J Daafouz IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (3), 615-619, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Polytopic observer design for LPV systems based on minimal convex polytope finding F Anstett, G Millérioux, G Bloch Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 3 (1), 23-43, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |
Unknown input observers for switched linear discrete time systems G Millerioux, J Daafouz Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference 6, 5802-5805, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Discrete Lyapunov exponent and resistance to differential cryptanalysis JM Amigó, L Kocarev, J Szczepanski IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 54 (10), 882-886, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
Poly-quadratic stability and global chaos synchronization of discrete time hybrid systems J Daafouz, G Millerioux Mathematics and computers in simulation 58 (4-6), 295-307, 2002 | 32 | 2002 |
Coding scheme based on chaos synchronization from noninvertible maps G Millerioux, C Mira International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 8 (10), 2019-2029, 1998 | 30 | 1998 |
Forbidden ordinal patterns in higher dimensional dynamics JM Amigó, MB Kennel Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 237 (22), 2893-2899, 2008 | 29 | 2008 |