Chris Moeseneder
Chris Moeseneder
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Australia’s CMIP5 submission usingthe CSIRO-Mk3. 6 model
S Jeffrey, L Rotstayn, M Collier, S Dravitzki, C Hamalainen, ...
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal 63 (1), 1-13, 2013
Defining dynamic pelagic habitats in oceanic waters off eastern Australia
AJ Hobday, JW Young, C Moeseneder, JM Dambacher
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (5), 734-745, 2011
Proactive, reactive, and inactive pathways for scientists in a changing world
KS McDonald, AJ Hobday, PA Thompson, A Lenton, RL Stephenson, ...
Earth's Future 7 (2), 60-73, 2019
Quantitative foresighting as a means of improving anticipatory scientific capacity and strategic planning
AJ Hobday, F Boschetti, C Moeseneder, RL Stephenson, C Bessey, ...
One Earth 3 (5), 631-644, 2020
Impacts of gold mine waste disposal on a tropical pelagic ecosystem
DT Brewer, EB Morello, S Griffiths, G Fry, D Heales, SC Apte, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 (12), 2790-2806, 2012
Quantifying the effects of trawling on seabed fauna in the Northern Prawn Fishery
M Haywood, B Hill, A Donovan, W Rochester, N Ellis, A Welna, S Gordon, ...
Final Report on FRDC Project 2002/102, 2005
From past to future: understanding and accounting for recruitment variability of Australia’s redleg banana prawn (Penaeus indicus) fishery
SE Eva Plaganyi, Roy Aijun Deng, Trevor Hutton, Rob Kenyon, Emma Lawrence ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2020, 1-14, 2020
A simulation interface designed for improved user interaction and learning in water quality modelling software
C Moeseneder, L Dutra, O Thebaud, N Ellis, F Boschetti, S Tickell, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 70, 86-96, 2015
Hiding in plain sight: DNA barcoding suggests cryptic species in all ‘well-known’ Australian flower beetles (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
A Mitchell, C Moeseneder, P Hutchinson
PeerJ 8 (e9348), 1-25, 2020
National Indicators of Marine Ecosystem Health: Mapping Project. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and …
KR Hayes, D Clifford, C Moeseneder, M Palmer, T Taranto
Population and Communities, Canberra, 2012
The CSIRO-QCCCE contribution to CMIP5 using the CSIRO Mk3. 6 climate model
J Syktus, S Jeffrey, L Rotstayn, K Wong, N Toombs, S Dravitzki, M Collier, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation …, 2011
Effects of trawling on the benthos and biodiversity: Development and delivery of a Spatially-explicit Management Framework for the Northern Prawn Fishery. Final report to the …
RH Bustamante, CM Dichmont, N Ellis, S Griffiths, WA Rochester, ...
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Cleveland, 2011
Recovery of seabed habitat from the impact of prawn trawling in the Far Northern Section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
CR Pitcher, M Austin, CY Burridge, RH Bustamante, SJ Cheers, N Ellis, ...
Cleveland, QLD: CSIRO, 2008
Surrogates I–Predictors, impacts, management and conservation of the benthic biodiversity of the Northern Prawn Fishery. Final Report on FRDC Project 2000/160
BJ Hill, M Haywood, B Venables, SR Gordon, S Condie, NR Ellis, A Tyre, ...
CSIRO, Cleveland, 2002
Distribution, volume and impact of sediment deposited by 2011 and 2013 floods on marine and estuarine habitats in Moreton Bay
A Stevens, A Revill, G Carlin, J McLaughlin, P Chotikarn, G Fry, ...
Final Report for Healthy Waterways Limited 72, 2014
Surrogates 1-predictors, impacts, management and conservation of the benthic biodiversity of the Northern Prawn Fishery
BJ Hill, MDE Haywood, SR Gordon, SA Condie, N Ellis, AJ Tyre, ...
Cleveland, Qld., CSIRO Div. of Marine Research, 2002
Influence of environment and economic drivers on fishing effort in Australia’s redleg banana prawn fishery
S Pascoe, T Hutton, E Plagányi, R Deng, M Miller, C Moeseneder, S Eves
Fisheries Research 227 (2020), 1-4, 2020
Continuous water quality monitoring on the Great Barrier Reef
A Steven, J Hodge, T Cannard, G Carlin, H Franklin, D McJannet, ...
CSIRO Final Report to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, 2015
Australia’s CMIP5 submission using the CSIRO-Mk3. 6 model, Aust. Meteorol. Oceanogr. J., 63, 1–13
SJ Jeffrey, LD Rotstayn, MA Collier, SM Dravitzki, C Hamalainen, ...
Project summary: national marine ecological indicators. A report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
JM Dambacher, KR Hayes, GR Hosack, V Lyne, D Clifford, L Dutra, ...
CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship, Hobart, 2012
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Articles 1–20